Chapter 41:Jr Gymnastics Olympics

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My team and our mom met up Sarah where we wait for the plane. Jr. Gymnastics Olympics are in Miami, so it's about a two hour flight.
"Flight 288 to Miami can start boarding now,"announced the announcer.
We got up and gather up our stuff. We showed the people at the airport our boarding passes, and got on the plane. Once on the plane, we stowed our carry one an buckled up. After that, we sucked on candy and chew gum. On the flight, we watched videos of the Seven Gymnastics Girls. We decided that when we are old enough to have a YouTube channel, we should make one together.
The plane landed, and we grabbed our carry ons. We waited, and eventually got out of the plane. We rented a 15 passenger van and off to the hotel we went.
The next day was the day we competed. I got up at 6:30am and got dressed. Then I convinced my mom to get out of bed. Leah was doing the same thing on the other side of the room. We went downstairs for breakfast, and I had eggs.
Then,we went back upstairs to our room ,and I put on my competition leotard. My mom did my hair into a braided bun as my friends parents did the same thing. We grabbed our gym bags (which were packed for the meet) and headed downstairs. We got in the 15 passenger van and drove to the gym where the competition was being held.
We got inside and warmed up. We lined up to march in, and we marched in. We saluted when our team was called, and I was in front. The competition started, and adrenaline was pumping through my body.
I'm ready for this meet.
A/N:Constructive criticism is welcome. When this story is done(it isn't yet), do you want an epilogue or a sequel? Comment.

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