Chapter 29:Nationals

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I wake up on Wednesday feeling ready for Nationals. Then I remembered I had to go to school for the morning. That just ruined my mood.
I spent the whole morning waiting for 5 minutes before lunch, because that's when my mom is coming to pick me up.
She signed me out as the bell rang for lunch.
I went home and took a shower. Then I put on my CDS sweatshirt and t-shirt and a pair of yoga pants. I ate chicken fingers for lunch, then my mom did my hair into a ponytail braid.
My mom is coming to this competition. Most, if not all of the parents are. All of my friends parents are coming.
My mom and I left for the dance studio, where there would be a school bus to take us to the airport in Halifax. We drove along to the dance studio. I talked the whole way about how excited I was for Nationals.
Once we got to and in the studio, we saw it was very chaotic. Parents, teachers, dance bags, hairspray , dancer and glitter were everywhere.
Kaitlyn walked into the waiting room and said loudly so everyone could hear" The bus is ready. Head on out when you are ready. Mel, or Melissa will be the last one to leave,".
Most people started moving towards the door. My friends, myself and our parents waited a minute before heading out.
On the bus, Bridget and I sat together. My mom and Jen sat together ,near the front of the bus. My mom gets carsick, so she took gravol.
We drove to the airport talking about how excited we were.
Once we got to the airport, Mel stood up.
"Head on in, check in, go through security and all they jazz, but try to stay together as a team and parents of a team," Mel requested.
We headed into the airport. I was was excited for this adventure.

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