Chapter 34:Trio time

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My friends and I head backstage. In the wing, we hold hands.
"This is for Mel," I whispered.
My friends nodded in agreement.
"Next up is Ainsley, Olivia and Bridget with Dear Future Husband," Announced a guy.
We took the corner of the stage .
The music started, and my smile appeared on my face.
My smile just grew bigger as we danced.
When we finished, I looked backstage.
Mel was there, smiling.
I know her so well, that I know she wasn't faking it. She was smiling.
"The team moving on to the finals is... CDS!" Announced the voice that announces stuff.
We started freaking out.
We ran backstage, and each got picked up by a teacher. Mel picked me up and spun me around as Margo and Kaitlyn did the same thing to Olivia and Bridget.
"You were amazing!" Leah exclaimed.
"Thank you," we said, smiling.
Finals here we come.
The next day, we get ready for finals. If we win this, first of all everyone will know(in a good way). Secondly, we will get to keep the studio.
I'm ready, I'm ready to fight.
We go on stage.
Fireball(our finals dance) is about being at a party and having too much energy. Like at our sleepovers for example.
I feel on top of the world.
The audience is cheering and screaming for us.
When we come offstage, our teachers look so proud.
After our competitors perform we go back out to see who won.
"The National champions are....CDS!" .
We start screaming! I'm so excited. I see our teachers freaking out backstage.
This is amazing. This is all we could ever dream of.
Bridget and I accept the trophy, then give it to Mel and Margo.
As soon as we exit backstage, reporters swarm us.
One asks me" What did your team have to sacrifice to get here?".
"We all had to sacrifice our personal feeling in rehearsals. We are a team," I replied.
This day was amazing.

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