Chapter 30:To Nationals we go

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We entered the airport and checked in. We checked out bags. We checked our costumes in priority. We went through security and met up in the waiting area. While we waited, I took a selfie with Bridget , sent it to Mackenzie, and told her to post it on Instagram . She said she would.
A few minutes later, Bridget showed me the post. Mackenzie had tagged her and the caption said 'Ainsley is headed to Nationals. Post you best wishes for her in the comments'. Some people had already commented. One comment said'Hope you have a safe flight'. People I don't know follow me. But let's be serious, it took a lot of convincing to get mom to let me do that.
Our flight is called, so we get up and start to board.
On the plane, I sit with Bridget and Sappho. We take selfies and listen to our music.
Once we land, we go to baggage claim.
At baggage claim, there was a brief moment when we thought we lost the costumes, but we soon found them.
We got on a bus to our hotel. I sat with Bridget.
Once we got to the hotel, we checked in and headed upstairs. The hotel was beautiful. I'm sharing a room with all my friends. Our moms are in a room connected to our room. We set our stuff down and claim beds. I am sleeping with Bridget, like last time.
We go get some supper at the resteraunt down stairs. Then we back upstairs and head to bed.
At Nationals, each round is an elimination round. We go up only one team each round, and only one team from each pair moves up to the next round. Therefore, if we move up, we will be against different teams each time.
A/N:Nationals here work like nationals on The Next Step.

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