Chapter 5:More auditions

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The next day, we have competitive team auditions. I walk down the hall of the studio(to the waiting area) wearing my purple leotard.
I greet Olivia and Sappho, who are already there.
"Where's Leah?" I asked.
"Probably late. She had basket ball after school today," Sappho told me.
"Oh okay," I replied.
Sure enough, 2 minutes before the auditions were due to start, Leah comes flying down the hall.
"Hi," I said.
"Hi," She said, out of breath.
She pulls on her jazz shoes. I already had my ballet shoes on.
"Alright ladies, lets go into studio B," Katie came out and called.
Katie is a dance teacher at CDS. Don't tell the other teachers, but she's my favourite. She has short dark hair.
We head into studio B.
The auditions go pretty much the same way the Nutcracker auditions went, except Jen(another teacher at CDS) taught the combination , and Mel and Katie lead most of the audition. All 5 teachers are in the audition. The teachers are Mel(owner and teacher),Margo(who still didn't do anything), Jen, Katie and Kaitlyn(a young teacher at our dance school).
About a week later, me and my friends are walking home from school when my phone dings. I have a phone because I really wanted one. I had to pay for a little over half of it. Since we are off school property, I take it out and check it.
I got and email. It's from Mel. It's who made it in the Nutcracker.
"Hey guys, look at this,"I say, showing them the email.
"We all made it in!"exclaimed Leah.
"Yeah. Hey, I got another email from Mel too. Its for competitive team," I said.
"Let's look at it," suggested Sappho.
So we did.
"We all made it in to comp team too!" Exclaimed Leah.
This is gonna be a great dance year.
A/N:Please read this story. Please tell your friends about this story. Spread the word. Please shout me out. I will do Sfs, just comment.

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