Chapter 26:Dear Future Husband

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A/N:If you could suggest what level in gymnastics these girls could be in, that would be appreciated. Constructive criticism is welcome .
While we are rehearsing Dear Future Husband, Mel just leaves. I'm confused and a bit offended. That being said, the last time a teacher walked out on me, it wasn't us. Margo followed Mel out. Kaitlyn didn't really know the choreo, and her attempt was kinda funny.
"You don't need to do the dance. We know it,"I tell Kaitlyn as we dance.
"Thank you," she said.
Margo's POV
I follow Mel into her office. As soon as she gets into her office, she starts crying.
"Are you okay?" I asked Mel.
She shook her head.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I'm-m get-ting a di- divorce," She stuttered, still crying.
"I'm sorry,"I said.
I had her in hug. She cried in my shoulder.
"Please don't tell the kids," Mel begged,"I'm not ready for them to know,".
"Don't worry, I won't ,"I promised.
"Thank you," she thanked me.
We returned to studio B.
Ainsley's POV
After rehearsal, I approach Ella(Mel's daughter) and Gracie(her cousin and BFF).
"Do you guys want to come to my house for a sleepover tomorrow night? Bridget, Olivia, Leah and Sappho will be there," I asked.
"Sure," they said in unison.
"Truth or Dare?" I asked Bridget.
"Dare," Bridget replied.
"I dare you to go outside and sing a clip from your favourite Disney song," I dared Bridget.
And so we all headed outside.
We are at the sleepover.
Bridget completed the dare, the we returned inside.
Later, when we were in bed, we were chatting.
I asked Ella,"Ella, I don't mean to be rude or anything, but your mom has been acting weird lately,".
Ella started crying.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you," I apologized .
"It's okay," Ella said, still crying.
"Can I tell them?"Gracie asked Ella.
Ella nods.
"Mel getting a divorce,"Gracie explains.
"What?"I asked .
Ella nodded.
"Oh, that must be why she left while we were doing Dear Future Husband," I said.
"Yeah, probably ," Ella said.
We went to sleep.

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