The next morning Hermione woke up in the arms of the older witch. She felt comfortable and at ease in her presence. However she knew she had to get out of bed before she began catching feelings. Hermione slipped out of the large bed and headed towards the bathroom to shower and put on her old clothes. The hot water felt good on Hermione's bruised and scratched skin from rescuing Sirius. In this time she was now the same age of Sirius, and all his friends including Remus. She thought to herself. She'd have to find a way to blend in during her time here. "I guess I'll wait till I talk to McGonagall and Dumbledore." She said to herself as she dried off and put on the clothes she had on when dropped through time.

When she walked out into the bedroom she saw Bella sitting up in bed looking at Hermione. "I put out some new clothes for you." Bella stated pointing to the pile of clothes on the chair. "Oh, these are fine. But thank you. When does McGonagall and Dumbledore return?" Hermione asked. "They're on their way now. I'm gonna go freshen up, make yourself comfortable Hermione." Bella let her name linger on her lip as she walked to the bathroom swaying her hip as she went, knowing damn well that Hermione was watching.

Hermione went and sat on the sofa she sat on the night prior and waited for Bella to return. A few short minutes later Bella came out and joined her. "They're here!" Bella stated with a smile as she opened the door to let McGonagall and Dumbledore into the room. "Ah Bellatrix! This must be the time traveler you told us about. What is your name?" Dumbledore asked looking at Hermione. "Hermione Granger sir." She replied. Dumbledore pondered the information before speaking again. "Granger... you're not from this time are you? What is the year you come from?" Dumbledore asked. "1993." Hermione stated.

"1993..." Dumbledore repeated.

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