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Meanwhile in the come and go room everyone else was searching for Ravenclaw's diadem. "What does it look like?" Regulus asked. "Like a tiara with blue stones in it. It'll probably be in a box of some sort, probably with satin lining. Split up and begin looking." Cissy stated. Regulus, Lily and Sirius went off one direction and Cissy and Andy went another. "Did Mione say anything about how'd we're supposed to find it?" Sirius asked. "She just said that it'll give off a humming sound like bees flying around your ears." Lily replied. The three of them continued on their search climbing over things, digging under things looking for a mysterious box.

An hour passed and still no luck with the searching. However that was about to change. Andy pulled down a stack of old chairs and instantly began to hear a loud buzzing sound in her ears. "Cissy! I think I found it!" She yelled as she pulled out a wooden box. Cissy sent red sparks out of her wand letting everyone know where they were. "Open it Andy." Cissy stated. Slowly Andy opened the wooden box to reveal a silver tiara with deep blue gemstones in it. "Let's get this to Bella and the others." Cissy stated as they hurried from the room.

Back down in the deeps of the castle it was James who withdrew the sword from the sorting hat and was now battling the beast.  Standing where is son would stand many years into the future he stabbed the beast through the head in one swift movement. The beast dropped just as the rest of the group emerged from the pipes. "We have it!" Andy shouted running towards everyone. "Good! Cause here comes Fawkes and James with the fang in his arm. "Bella stated. 

James stabbed the journal first letting the screams fill the room. Hermione then spoke to Hufflepuff's cup causing black smoke to emerge before Regulus could slice it with the sword. Finally the tiara was destroyed, and the screams caused Bella to hunch over in pain as she grabbed her arm. "He's weakened by this. He doesn't know who's discovered his secret but he knows someone has been in my vault." Bella stated. Fawkes shed some tears on Jame's arm where the fang went into it before carrying everyone and the broken horcruxes back to the surface where an anxious Dumbledore and Minerva stood.

"It's been done. Three of them have been destroyed sir." Hermione stated. "Good work everyone. While you were away I too managed to find one of them. Tom's grandfathers ring. It was still inside the old Riddle house." Dumbledore stated. "Shall we destroy it now?" Bella asked. "I believe that would be the best." Minerva added. Hermione spoke to the ring and just like before black smoke emerged from it. "NOW!" Hermione shouted as Sirius brought the sword down upon it.

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