The old smile

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"Dango Dango Dango~" a girl sang while eating calmly. She was sitting next to an specific lake looking at the water.

She took out a rock from her kimono and looked at it. She kept the Dango cover stick on her mouth while throwing the rock . It splashed on the water. She wasn't cheerful anymore. She watched the water move calmly remembering.

" why are you on this cruddy old place." A voice said while two feet stood next to her hand.

The girl blinked and got the Dango stick while chewing the rice carrot ball.

"Just looking around."

"Hmp." Black hair touched her hand a bit as the male sat next to her. His right leg was up while laying his arm in it.

Both stayed sitting in silence.

"Hey about what I have been telling .."

"You don't tell me a lot of thing ..."

"Nicknames stupid.."


The girl looked at him glaring a bit . Madara laughed and kept his gaze on her " I have to apologize..."


Madara sigh and looked at the lake "...never mind..."

"No tell me.."


"Hey ! Tell me now ..." She smacked his head with her Dango.

"Don't do that .." He touched his head feeling his hair a bit sticky from the sweet.

"I'll keep doing it till you tell me !!" She kept smacking his hair with the Dango then his face.

"Hey stop that akkkk!!!" He put his hand on his right eye glaring at her . The girl pulled her tongue out at him and threw the Dango on the lake letting it sink.

"That wouldn't had happened if you would of just told me ~"

" Tch. Urusai..." He looked to the side then at the lake.

"Your not ugly by the way."

"Hahaha really funny broh." She blinked looking at the water seeing it sparkle by the sunset.

"See its this attitude that makes me want to stab you .." He said while laying his chin on his hand. The girl turned to him blinking. Madara didn't smile as he use to. He looked more depress and tired.

"Hey Dara ..."


" if you keep that look you'll age really ugly .."


The male looked at her raising an eyebrow . The girl blinked and smiled at him blushing a bit " if you keep doing that face you'll age really ugly and I don't want an ugly husband !"

"If you keep eating that you'll get fat and I don't want a fat wife." He smirked looking at her.

They both smirked at each other. They soon began to laugh .

It might sound weird for adopted siblings to wed even though they weren't blood related. But they were actually happy. They didn't want anyone else.

Soon they stopped. _(n)_ blinked smiling and looked down to her right feeling something on her hand.

A larger pale hand was on top of hers. She blushed darkly and looked up at him.

Madara smiled at her calmly.

_(n)_ blinked and smiled at him with her eyes close.

She always thought of something .

If it wasn't for this war. They wouldn't had never met. She hated it though. But she some how was grateful.

" we should leave now." He slowly got up crossing his arms and looked down at her. The girl blinked twice "why~"

"It's getting dark."

"You scared~?" She smirked .

"Fine then stay alone ~~ " he said as he began to walk" if a rapist comes don't come looking for me ~"

_(n)_blinked twice. She got up walking after him " hey!' Wait up!!"

Madara smiled hearing her as he sigh.
He felt something hugging his arm and looked from the corner of his eye. _(n)_looked around while walking with him. Her gestures around him hadn't change. When she felt out of place or uncomfortable she would and still does hug his arm.

" Dara .."


" have a nice smile.."

The male blinked and looked down at her. For the first time ever. He felt his face warming up. The way the sunset made her skin tone look along with her black hair and _(e/c)_s made his chest tighten a bit .

_(n)_blinked looking at him. If only cameras would had been invented back then. She would had taken a picture of him. She finally saw the great leader Madara Uchiha blush brightly.

He soon began to smile then laughed a bit . The girl hugging his arm smiled widely blushing.

She hoped for nothing to ruin nor change the man her dear friend/ brother had grown into.

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