Years: Still Loved (2/2) The End

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(^That song goes extremely well with this !! (≧∇≦))

-5 years later-

_(n)_ locked the house door calmly. The 25 year old woman walked down the stepped smiling and got the 5 year old boy, who was waiting for her, happily while walking to the man on the gates. Madara turned smiling looking at them while he held a 2 year old boy on his arm.

The two of them began to take their leave calmly. Their 5 year old son, Mana, blinked looking up at the moon as he hugged his mom closer'...' Mao held himself on his fathers shoulders better looking at the shiny woman on a roof. He giggled happily seeing her sparkle.

Tsuki- Yomi smiled kindly watching them while her long white hair moved on the wind. A pale covered arm wrapped it self around her shoulders calmly. Indra smirked seeing them. Both spirits looked at one an other and calmly turned walking towards the moons light fading away.

" his happy today ~" _(n)_ looked at Mao happily. "Uh." Madara smiled at him. The couple walked closer to one an other. _(n)_ laid her head on the mans shoulders calmly. Mana laid his head on crock of his mothers neck closing his eyes slowly feeling the calm wind.

As they passed the cherry blossom forest. Two figures with long black hair looked at them. (Past) Madara smiled calmly seeing. (past)_(n)_ giggled seeing the kids while hugging her husbands arm closely. The wind began to blow making them fade with the falling cherry blossoms.

Mao blinked confuse watching them. Madara looked down at him, he then smiled at the boy making him laughed loudly.
_(n)_ smiled hearing while looking straight seeing the place getting close as they passed the Final Valley.

Sakura watched them happily with tears in her eyes . Sasuke stared with a small smile seeing. They where happy they didn't had to suffer like their other selfs. They soon began to fade.

Madara opened the door letting his wife go in first . _(n)_ smiled placing the 5 year old down. Mana ran happily towards Tobirma. Izuna puffed his cheeks seeing. Soon both uncles began to fight for the kids attention. Their parents laughed watching. Madara's and hashirama's siblings began to tease the fighting males.

_(n)_ laughed watching while sitting down. Madara shook his head watching while he gave the 2 year old to his father.

Hashirma walked in happily while a 6 year old held on to him tightly. Mito closed to the door smiling.

They all began to chat and laugh with each other. Mean while Tobirma and Izuna tried killing one an other. Mana quickly ran off playing with his cousin Mirama.

_(n)_ blinked and looked outside the window of the closed shop. Her eyes widen seeing the three different couples from her dreams vanishing , she snapped out of it seeing Madara next to her. She smiled and laid her head on his chest calmly while he placed his arm around her. They watched the nonsense that was their family.


And there is it ! ! (=゚ω゚)ノ thank you for reading ! ! ♡♡♡ sorry for bad writing my native language is Japanese  (and Spanish ) not English ..I'm just doing stuff in English to practice !

Made an other Madara x Reader but it's on the modern times and a little secret is involved ~ ψ(`∇')ψ if you wana read it the names : Uchiha Crib ( Madara Uchiha x Reader )

P.S, this one won't have sad sad chapters like this one did (≧∇≦)also it'll mostly be a bunch of nonsense since it will be pure humor

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