The plan.

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Dipper woke up with a jolt. he had a horrible nightmare that night and was now breathing heavily. "It was just a dream." He reminded himself out loud. Dipper laid his head back down and closed his eyes gently. He then heard something outside and decided to get back up and see what it was.

Outside, it was still a little dark and the trees were rustling. Bill had decided to go in the woods by the Mystery Shack, and was trying to get dippers attention. Bill wanted dipper to follow him in the woods, his plan to wake him up with a bad dream was working so far.

Dipper opened the window and looked outside. He rubbed his eyes, thinking he was seeing stuff. 'What was Bill doing here' he wondered. Dipper didn't know what Bill was trying to do, so he tried shutting the window. It got jammed.

Bill floated up to the window and laughed like he usually would. "Hey Pine Tree whatcha doin' up to early?" He said in a blur as he slipped in thought the window. He was being awfully loud and Mabel was still asleep.

Dipper rolled his eyes and continued to try to shut the window. He finally have up and turned around. "Don't wake up my sister." He said softly and went back to his bed. He sat down and rubbed his eyes. Dipper was exhausted. He looked up at his sister sleeping peacefully and smiled.

Bill hovered over Mabel and took a look at her dreams. She happened to be dreaming about her summer romances. "Hm.." Bill rubs his head. He then snaps his fingers and Mabel's eyes shut tightly. He turned the dream into a nightmare about Mabel's failed summer romances.

Dipper watched Bill and could tell he was doing something to his sister. He got up and saw Mabel's eyes shut tight as she started to toss and turn. "Leave her alone." He said with anger in his voice as he looked up at Bill. "She can't handle nightmares."

"Sure thing, only if you come with me for a little while." He said as he continued the nightmare, looking at Mabel, then back at Dipper. "Just till sunrise. "

Dipper started to get frustrated, but he couldn't wake Mabel up. If se didn't wake up by herself, she would be in a bad mood all day. He put both his hands on his head and bit down on his lip. Dipper didn't know what to do. He was panicking now and was hoping she would wake up soon.

Bill continued the nightmare, making sure the girl wouldn't awake. He waited for dippers response as he held out a hand to shake. "Cmon Pine Tree, I won't hurt you either, if you come with me. " he said truthfully.

Dipper looked over at Bill, then at Mabel. "You promise me you will leave her alone?" He asked, not wanting to get tricked into anything like last time. He looked back up at Bill and wondered why he wanted him to go with him. 'I guess I'll find out' he thought.

"I promise, you know I keep promises. " he said assuringly, this time Bill wasn't up to any tricks. "Just come with me, till sunrise or longer if you wish, and she'll be left alone. " He said and glided over to Dipper, a flame on his hand as he held it out.

Dipper looked at his sister, then at Bill. He held out his hand a little and looked at it. 'I hope I'm not making a mistake' he thought.

****find out if he accepts the deal in the next chapter.

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