Growing closer.

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Bill was sitting on the branch of a tree. He was holding his hat in his hands as he awaited dippers arrival. He brushed off the top of the hat, then placed it back on his head as he looked down and scanned the ground for dippers face.

Dipper walked a little ways and looked around. Where is he, he wondered. He decided to go back to the house and let Bill come find him instead. He sat on the porch and laid his head on his hand. Dipper heard rustling and glanced up

Bill had seen dipper and stood up in the tree fast. He then jumped out of the tree and landed perfectly on the ground in front of dipper. Bill jumps on dipper and hugs him "finally!" He exclaims

Dipper hugged him back and smiled softly. "I finished my work for tomorrow as well so I'm all yours tomorrow" he said with a soft smile. He kissed his softly and heard someone by the door. "My sisters coming. I'll be there in a minute"

Bill nodded as he flew off dipper. Blush forming on his cheeks as he sits on the roof watching. Mabel opens the door and walks out to where dipper is on the couch on the porch. Bill couldn't stop thinking about the days ahead of him, going to be spent with dipper.

Mabel talked to Dipper for a moment and then went back inside. "You can come down now" he called and walked off the porch. "I can stay at your place tonight if you want me to"

Bill plopped down infront of dipper smiling, until he realized he didn't have a 'place' for dipper to stay. "How come?" He asked curiously, loving the idea. He nodded his head to the side, motioning for them to walk.

Dipper followed him and held on to his hand. "Well, I've never been to your house. I want to spend the night at your house" he said as he kissed him on the cheek and continued to walk with him

Bill blushed, then frowned. "Dipper.. Is it okay that I don't have a house..?" He asked nervously. Bill was sort of ashamed that he didn't have a home, but he had to tell dipper. Bill gripped his hand harder as he spoke.

Dipper stopped for a moment. "Then where do you go when I go back to the mystery shack?" he asked as he took both of his hands and kneeled a little so he could be at his level. "Please tell me you have /somewhere/ to stay"

Bill bit his lip and looked down a little. "I just. Find a tree or roof. Or the ground..." He said sadly and held dippers hands back.

Dipper felt like this was his fault for some reason. "Im going to get you a real place to stay. I promise" he said with a soft smile. "You deserve a place you can call home"

Bill smiled half "dipper you don't have to. It's alright i like it out here. When it's not storming." It stormed a lot latently but bill just smiled.

"Until I can get you a real house, you can stay at my place" he said with a soft smile. Dipper looked up and saw that the sun was starting to set. "We should probably get back"

Bill smiled wide and jumped happily "your place! " he cheered. Bill then gripped dippers hand and was eager to get to dippers home.

Dipper walked back to his place and wondered how this was going to work. Conveniently, Mabel was at a sleepover that night so Bill could stay in his room but he would have to figure out where he could stay once she got back

Bill walked in and went up the stairs to the attic where their room was. Bill walked in the room with dipper. He looked around and took in the place. "Thank you, dip." He have him that new nickname.

"Sure thing" he said as he put his hat on the nightstand and rubbed his eyes. "I'm so tired" he said softly and sat on his bed. "You can sleep on Mabels bed if you want. She won't be back till tomorrow"

Bill rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, then he snuggled up behind dipper and wrapped his arms around him. "What's the fun in that." He said with a grin.

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