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He held his hand out all the way and shook Bill hand. "Now what?" He asked. Wondering where bill was going to take dipper.

He snapped his fingers and they both appeared in the woods. Mabel's nightmares turned to wonder-filled dreams. They stood in a cleared off space with trees surrounding them. "I just wanted to get some time to hang out Pine Tree, we're always fighting. "

"Because you are a demon and I'm a human! Of course we fight!" He said as he crossed his arms and leaned against a tree. "Why do you even care if we fight. All you ever do is try to make deals with me. "

"That's what I do, kid," he explained, "natural habit." Bill walked over to dipper and smiled "maybe we can, you know, not fight as much." He said out of no where and smiled at dipper. He seemed completely different.

Dipper looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "You're acting...different." He observed out loud. "What's going on?" Dipper assumed Bill was trying to get him to do something for him. He uncrossed his arms and stood up a little more.

Bill looked at dipper, who seemed to be a little bit taller than bill. "Nothing, dipper. " he used dippers real name instead of calling him Pine Tree. He looked up at the trees and snapped, turning one blue, like the one of dippers hat.

Dipper looked up at the tree and his eyes went kind of wide. "Wow, that's actually pretty cool" he laughed a little as he walked over to the now blue tree and touched it. He turned back around and looked at Bill and smiled a little.

Bill opened his mouth as he smiled, "you like it?" He asked as he leaned against the normal tree next to the now blue one. He admired the tree he made, never thinking he could create something that good.

"I do." He said as he looked back up at it "I didn't know you could do stiff like that, bill." Dipper looked over at Bill and smiled 'maybe he did change,' he thought. I wouldn't be so sure.

'What is this feeling..?' Bill thought. He looked up at the tree, them at dipper " me neither." He admitted. He chuckled softly at him words, then looked at the ground.

Dipper went over to the tree and smiled softly to himself. He touched it and them touched his hat. His face went a little white. So that's what this is, he realized 'Bill sure does like Pine Trees.' he thought as he looked back up at the tree.

"For you, kid." He said as he pointed at the sky, a shooting star going right over them. Bill smiled to himself as he created all these things.

Dipper smiled as he watched it. He has changed, he confirmed to himself. "Mabel would have loved seeing this." He said softly, the. Looked up at bill. "Thanks for doing this for me, it means a lot." He said as he walked over and hugged him.

Bill jumped a little as he felt dippers arms around him, his cheeks turned pink and he stood firmly. He had never received a hug before, let alone given one. "W-what's this, Pine Tree..?" He asked.

Dippers face went a little red, realizing what he was doing. He let go and rubbed the back of his neck, "sorry." He said softly. He looked down at the ground and his face went even more red. Dipper felt really awkward now. 'Did I seriously just hug him?'

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