The birth mark.

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Bill chuckled and ran his hand through dippers fluffy hair. "Maybe a trim but I like it fluffy. It matches you." He admits and smiles. "But that's just my opinion." He added and took a look at dipper birth mark, smiling.

Dipper nodded a little and looked down at the ground. Bills one of the only people who hasn't really said anything about it, he thought as he smiled a little and decided to just trim it a little. If I'm going to change almost everything about myself, I might as well change this, he thought as he went upstairs and went into the bathroom. Dipper opened one of the drawers and grabbed a pair of scissors and smiled. He shut the door and sat down and soon was done. He got up and looked in the mirror and smiled. I look a lot better now, he thought as he pushed his bangs out of his face.

Bill appeared out of no where right behind dipper. "I like how it shows your birth mark, dipper." He said truthfully. "I've always thought it was neat." Bill smiled, he saw unique things all the time, but loved how this matched dippers cuteness. Bill places a finger on it and drags it across the birth mark.

Dipper jumped a little, not expecting for Bill to just appear. He needs to learn to knock, he thought as he turned around and felt Bill drag his finger across his forehead. A light blush spread on his face as his eye fell back on to Bill. Of all people to tell me that different is okay, he thought as he waited until he was done and grabbed his arm and kissed him deeply. Dipper broke the kiss and smiled softly. "I'm glad you decided to be good" he said as he hugged him a little, remembering when he wasn't nice and how much he hated him.

Bill turned red as dippers lips disconnected from his own. He shyly swayed his hips and looked at dipper. "Because of you.." He said, not at all aware that dipper was effecting his choices. Bill kissed over dippers eye patch and chuckled. He intertwined their fingers and stayed close. "Do you like your birth mark..?" He asked softly.

Dipper smiled a little and held on to Bills hand. "I did when I was little but I quickly learned to hate it" he said as he looked down at the ground and remembered how mad he got at himself sometimes because of it. "I don't really care for it all that much now but I think it's a nice touch with how I look now" he said as he looked down at himself and then back up at Bill.

Bill smiled and then looked dipper in the eyes. "I know how those kids treated you, I'm sorry." He said and felt bad. He used to laugh when he saw the kids make fun of him, until now. Bill leaned up and kissed it gently.

Dipper smiled a little and then froze. "I never told you that kids used to make fun of me for it" he said as he tilted his head a little, wondering if Bill had spied on him even as a kid. If he did, why didn't he help me, he thought as he looked down at the ground and tried to remember who all would be there when kids started beating him up. Dipper tensed up a little, remembering hearing someone laugh at him with the others that sounded like Bill. He pushed him away and went downstairs and disappeared, wanting to be left alone.

Bills eyes went sad and he looked down. He wasn't changed then.. He was under control of the consul. He had to talk to dipper so he chased after him "dipper wait!" He said as he touched his shoulder, tear filing his eyes as he remembered what he had done.

Dipper stopped, giving Bill one chance to explain himself. He turned back around and faced him, his eye burning with fire. He wasn't sad, mostly angry and disappointed. Dipper turned his hands to fists and calmed down a little. "Why would you do that to me?" he asked, seeing that Bill was on the edge of crying. He twitched a little, wondering what excuse Bill was going to come up with.

Bill started balling his eye out. He hugged dipper tight and quickly said "it was the c-consul! They had me under control! I. I didn't choose to! I loved you.. I hardly recall this even happening.." He said truthfully as he held onto dipper. "I couldn't. Control them.." He sighed, disappointed in himself.

"What do you mean 'they had control of me'?" he asked, confused how this 'council' got 'control' of Bill. Dipper pried him off, still not forgiving him quite yet and waited for an answer. Dipper had been bullied his entire childhood and it almost caused him to commit suicide one day after something horrible happened that just made him snap. And to think that Bill was part of the cause, he thought as he started to get frustrated again but stayed calm on the outside.

"They can possess demons to get them to do what they want.." Bill knew dipper wouldn't forgive him. And he looked down ashamed of himself. He dropped his cane and sighed. "I didn't mean to.." He said softly.

Dippers head shot up and he tried to imagine all that. But why would this 'council' place want Bill to make fun of me, he thought as he sighed a little. It just doesn't add up, he thought. "Why would they want you to do that to me?" he asked in a different tone, a weaker one. I'm starting to fall apart again, he thought. Only this time, I don't get the option, he thought as he realized he'd always have to live with those memories.

Bill sniffled and hugged dippers arm tightly. "They knew I loved you. They planned for this.." He sighed "please forgive me d-dipper.." Bill suddenly got really depressed. He had never before, and he fell to his knees.

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