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Bill nuzzled his head onto dippers stomach. He closed his eyes and always had Business to take care of and deals to make with people. He never knew a life other than his job. Bill sighed happily and hugged tighter. 'I should've told him earlier..' He thought.

Dipper laid his head back a little and shut his eyes. He wrapped his arms around Bill softly and smiled to himself. 'Everything is going to be okay from now on,' he thought over and over in his mind. He opened his eyes and looked down at Bill. 'I wonder what he's thinking about. '

Bill quickly sat up, he realized that he had to cherish the time he spent with dipper in case he had to do anything or go somewhere. Bill wrapped his legs around dippers waist, sitting in his lap and leaning over him. Bill smiled and placed his forehead on dippers head.

Dipper watched him and then met his eyes. He blushed a little and wondered what he was doing all of a sudden. He looked down for a moment and then back up at him. He grabbed his collar and pulled him down a little and kissed him softly. Dipper let go and smiled a little.

Bill blushed and loved finally being controlled by someone. He didn't really understand why, but wanted to do anything for dipper. Bill leaned in again and kisses dipper hard, he soon pulled back and a string of saliva went from his mouth to dippers. Bill blushed and kept his lips parted.

Dipper looked up at him and smirked a little. So that's how he wants to play, he thought as he saw the blush spread on his face. He leaned in a little and kissed him lightly but then a little deeper. He loved the feeling of kissing Bill and probably always would. Dipper broke the kiss a little and looked back up into his eyes.

Bill enjoyed the warmth of dippers lips on his his own. When they kissed he felt something inside and liked it. As their lips parted, bill stared into dippers huge eyes. 'Hes so cute..' He thought as he smiled halfway. Bill then placed a hand on dippers thigh, and another on his cheek. He smiled and kept looking at dipper.

Dipper smiled softly and leaned his head on Bills hand and looked back into his eyes. Why does he have to be so cute, he thought as he looked down at the ground. I wonder what we are going to do today, he thought as he looked back up at him and smiled softly.

Bill kissed his nose and got off him. He stood up and fixed his hat. "We should go have some fun today." He suggested and held out a hand for dipper.

Dipper hesitated for a moment but took his hand anyways. "Where are you wanting to go?" he asked, not really sure if Bills definition of fun was the same as his. 'He's probably going to want to go and kill little children or something,' he thought, not really sure if he wanted to do this.

Bill had a different way of fun, but he knew that dipper would rather go shoot arrows or bowl than collect deer teeth. "We can go bowl, maybe shoot some arrows. Or if you have any ideas?" He asked and gripped dippers hand.

Dipper smiled a little, not really sure if this was a good idea but had to trust him. "We don't have to do anything" he said softly, knowing that everything he thought was fun would end up with him probably getting hurt. He stayed sitting down now, still not sure about this.

Bill looked down at him and said "that's fine with me. " he took dippers hat and placed it beside dipper on the couch. Bill places a hand in dippers brown fluffy hair and runs his fingers through it gently.

Dipper looked up at him and felt Bill run his fingers through his hair and smiled softly. I'm guessing he knows how much I love when people mess with my hair, he thought as he relaxed a little and looked down at the ground.

Bill took his hand away and smiled. He walked over to the remote and handed it to dipper. Bill didn't know many good shows. He sat down beside dipper and wrapped an arm around him.

Dipper smiled a little and turned on the tv and turned it to his favorite channel, guessing that Bill didn't care what he watched. He laid his head down on his shoulder and relaxed a little more. I love this, he thought as he looked over at him and then at the tv.

Bill looked at the tv, and didn't really pay attention to what was going on. He just payed attention to dipper. 'I hope he likes this..' He wondered and felt dipper lay his head on his shoulder. He blushed 'I guess so.'

Dipper shut his eyes a little and all the sound in the world just seemed to stop. He smiled to himself and jumped a little when he heard a knock at the door. His eyes shot open and he turned around and looked at the main door. I hope it's not Mabel, he thought as he bit his lip a little.

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