Working Hard.

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"What?" he said as he looked up at her. Dipper was sitting on the edge of his bed now and was rereading his journal. He glanced up at her and then back down at the notebook. He flipped a page and hoped Mabel would just forget about the fight yesterday and move on

"Why did you kiss Bill..? And can we forget about the fight.." Mabel had to know if she had seen it wrong, or her brother just kissed a demon. Bill blended in the with scene behind him so he could watch what was going on through the window.

Dipper shut his book and sighed. "Yeah. I kissed him" he said as stood up and went over to the dresser. He put on his shoes and planned on going out later. "Why did you want to know?"

Her eyes widened, then she shook her head fast and looked at him. "I thought. You two hated each other. so." She said soft. "And you two must be. Together so. I thought you would atleast tell me."

"I didn't think you would care" he said honestly as he went over to her and smiled. Dipper kissed her forehead and then went downstairs. He grabbed something to eat and went outside for some fresh air

Mabel understood what he had said. She decided to contact grenda and candy to hang out that day, just so she can forget what happened faster. Bill saw dipper walk outside, So he hides behind a tree. "Psst." He calls out

Dipper was eating an apple and then glanced up. He got up and walked towards to woods. "What are you doing here?" he said, a little upset. "If Stan finds you, he'll kill me!"

Bill sighs and blends in harder "sorry dipper. I have no one else, and I start to miss you now. " he looks down and glances at dipper "sorry pine tree." He repeats because he feels bad for being there.

Dipper sighed and looked up at him. "Don't be sorry" he said and then heard Stan calling for him. "I guess I have to go. You can come...I guess"

He then smiled wide and turned himself small, he then flew into dippers pants pocket and peeked out. He was so small that no one would notice. "Thanks." He said and held on tightly

Dipper nodded. He went to the backyard and helped Stan with some stuff. He went inside and grabbed a sandwich to eat. Dipper ate quickly and went back outside to work. His hands were covered in blood by the end of the day but that's how it normally was

Bill watched him work all day, seeing how strong and determined dipper was made Bill blush like a girl. He soon fell asleep in dippers warm pocket and was still sleeping by the time dippers work was done.

Dipper sat done on the porch and he pulled Bill out of his pocket. "You awake?" he asked as he flicked him to see if he was dead or something. Wait, can he die? He shook his head a little and focused on what he was doing

Bill woke as soon as he was flicked and he jumped a little, looking at dipper tiredly "I'm up I'm up." Bill said, his voice squeaked because of his size. He stands on dippers hand and brushes off his clothes.

Dipper laughed a little. "You sound funny" he said as he set him down on the wood steps. "My uncle is back inside. You can go back to your original size now if you want"

Bill quickly turned normal sized again and sneezed. He stretched a little, "finally back." He said to himself. Then he looked at dipper "you are worked pretty hard dipper, need a Pitt?" He asks as he poofs up the drink in his hand

"Sure" he said as he took it from him and cracked it open. Dipper was pretty strong for how hard he had to work everyday. He didn't really realize it until he saw how bad he had hurt his sister yesterday. Mabel worked too but nothing close to as hard as Dipper did.

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