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Dipper smiled and grabbed his hands. He blushed a little, knowing this was going to be kind of strange for him. He ignored his negative thoughts and looked over at Bill

Bill had his eyes closed and his body relaxed. He never usually got a good nights sleep on the cold ground. He sank into the bed a little and stayed close to dipper. His eyes were slowly shutting and he nuzzled dipper before he finally fell asleep.

Dipper soon fell into a dreamless sleep. In the morning, he opened his eyes and smiled. He shook Bill a little, hoping to wake him up. "Morning" he said softly as he saw Bill open his eyes

Bill yawned and his two slightly sharpened teeth showed. He looked up and dipper and smiled. "Good morning Pine Tree." He greeted.

Dipper sat up a little and stretched. He stood up and rubbed his eyes. He went to his closet and grabbed something to wear. Dipper got dressed and put his hat on. "What do you want to do today?" he asked as he put on his torn up shoes

Bill stood up and brushed off his jacket. "Anything as long as it's with you." He said plainly. Bill positioned his hat back on and walked over to dipper.

Dipper got up and smiled. He looked over at the door and wondered how he was going to get Bill out of the house without Stan noticing. "First off, I got to figure out how to make sure my uncle doesn't see you"

He rubbed his head as he thought. "I could always shape shift into your sister." Bill looked at dipper and shrugged after saying the thought. "Any other ideas?" He asked

"Stan will probably know something's up if he sees me leaving the house with Mabel" he said as he thought a little bit. "I guess I can go ahead and go. You can go through the window but be carful"

Bill nodded and opened the window as dipper left the room. Bill looked down and jumped out. He landed perfectly by the totem pole outside the shack. Bill hem brushed off his shoulders and waited for dipper.

Dipper came downstairs and sighed. "Let's go before Stan finds something for me to do" he said as he started walking. "Where do you want to go first? I brought some money"

Bill wrapped an arm around dipper to try and comfort him, but bill still stood straight and walked with grace as usual. "Anything. You deserve to choose." He insisted that dipper chose.

"I don't know. You have lived here a lot longer than I have" he said as he looked over at Bill and smiled softly. "Why don't you want to decide?"

"Cause I just think it's fair for you because you've been working hard."Bill said softly and he looks at dipper

A light blush spread on Dippers face fast. "I work hard everyday" he said as he smiled softly. "This is my first day off all summer. I want to enjoy this with you". Dipper hugged him softly and held on tight to his hand

Bill blushed slowly, and gripped dippers hand back. "Then I say we just relax. You need it." He suggested with a whisper

Dipper nodded a little. "I think id like that" he said and then his face went a little white. Mabel's going to have work today, he reminded himself. He face palmed himself, knowing this was going to ruin his plans. I can either leave and let Mabel do it herself and her get really mad at me or I could go back and do her work and let Bill get mad at me, he thought. What am I going to do?

Bill tilted his head, knowing something was up "you alright pine tree...?"

"I totally forgot Mabel has work today. I don't think she can do it but I want to go with you" he said as he looked down at the ground. Dipper was conflicted bad. He didn't want his sister to get mad at him and he didn't want Bill to get mad at him. Either go back or go with Bill.

An unexpected turn of events.Where stories live. Discover now