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Bill frowned and stoop up. He walked to the door and looked through the door hole. He saw a man standing there, his neighbor came to greet them. Bill opened the door and smiled "hello there." He said, being kind on purpose.

Dipper turned around and saw who it was and felt more relaxed. I'm so happy it's not Mabel, he thought as he shut his eyes and took a deep breath. He knew he would probably have to say hi too but he didn't really want to.

After a while, bill shut the door and walked back in his home. He sat back down and said "he seems nice. But not trustworthy. " bill spoke his mind about it and then looked at the tv again.

"What do you mean?" he asked as he looked over at him and wondered why he thought that. "Yeah, you just met him but why do you think he isn't worth trusting in the future?" he asked, knowing there had to be some sort of reason.

"He just seems like it." He didn't really know how to explain, but he knows someone like that when he sees one. "Just don't talk to him much." Bill suggested and placed a hand on dippers.

Dipper looked down at the ground and nodded. "Okay" he said, not really sure why he couldn't talk to him but he would do as he was told. "I'm going to go on a walk for a bit. I'll be back later" he said as he put on a jacket and headed out, wanting a little bit of alone time.

Bill sighed and laid down. He figured he would take a nap until dipper came back. He didn't really have anything to do without dipper. Bill fell asleep and had no dreams at all.

Dipper headed out and saw the guy outside. He ignored him and started walking. He didn't plan to go very far incase he ran into Mabel or Stan. Dipper was gone longer than he should of but he was enjoying the peace. He took a break and sat on one of the benches and looked up at the sky.

Bill stayed asleep the while entire time. He was getting low of energy since he was now a human. Bill was sweating as he slept and he was deeply asleep.

Dipper looked forward and noticed it was getting dark already. Crap, I better start heading home, he thought as he stood up but felt a hand go over his mouth and pushed him back on the bench. His eyes went wide and he used both his hands to try and pry the hand off of his mouth but he wasn't strong enough. Dipper felt dizzy and fell unconscious

Bills eyes shot open. Some feeling went through him as he noticed it was super late and dipper wasn't home. He ran out the door and tried to find him. He screamed his name and transported many places. He couldn't find him

Dipper opened his eyes a little and then all the way. He looked around but didn't know where he was. He looked down at his hands and they were tied up. Dipper stood up but fell back down as the ropes on his hands tugged him back down. They are connected to the wall, he thought as he tugged as hard as he could but he couldn't get free. It was pitch black in the room but he could see a window and a door. Where am I?

Bill went into the mind scape to try to find out what dipper was doing last. He saw the same image dipper was seeing. A door and window. Bill knew something was up and turned back into his demon form to have more power.

Dipper felt really weak for some reason. He laid his head down and saw the light turn on but he was already passed out. "I gave you one rule and you couldn't even follow it" a voice said as they got on their knees in front of Dipper and tightened the ropes. "You won't be able to leave now" they said as they stood up and left the room.

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