Gaining control.

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"You've done more than you need to" he said as he smiled and kissed him softly and then went upstairs. Dipper laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling until he eventually fell asleep. He didn't really have much of a dream so he slept peacefully and actually was kind of happy. He didn't like this new life style but he just needed to get used to it.

Bill soon walked to dipper and curled up to him, kinda like a dog but he was comfy. He yawned and fell asleep soon. Wondering how to make dipper happy.

Dipper woke up a few hours later and saw Bill asleep next to him. He smiled and kissed him on the forehead, letting him sleep. He got up and went into the bathroom and splashed some water on his face. Dipper went downstairs and sat down on the couch, thinking about everything that was on his mind.

Bill didn't feel dippers presence, so he slept walked down to the couch and laid onto dippers lap. He smiled in his sleep and cuddled closer to dipper.

Dipper was kind of surprised but smiled. He petted Bills hair as he thought about everything more and more. He looked down at a Bill and wondered if he really was willing to give up his whole life just to fix one little mistake he made. Dipper ruffled his hair and knew he couldn't let him do that. I'll just go by myself and tell them that a demon accidentally changed me into one and I needed to change back, he decided as he smiled as he laid his head back and knew Bill was going to hate this.

As soon as dipper thought that, bill started having nightmares. They seemed to be connected because bill did this to dipper. The council would be able to track down the demon responsible, but dipper didn't know. Bill hugged dippers waist in his sleep.

Dipper looked down at Bill and sighed. I guess I just have to face the facts, he thought as he leaned down at kissed Bills forehead. I'll never get to be a human again, he thought as he started to fall asleep again himself but stayed awake. Dipper knew Bill was having a bad dream so he tried to figure out how to fix it but didn't know how. He ended up pulling up a screen that showed what was going on in his dream. Dipper watched it and tapped it and it started to change. He smiled and made it disappear so Bill could sleep peacefully.

Bill stopped moving and smiled in his sleep. He snuggled closer to dipper and stayed asleep. Now he had dreams full of dipper and love. He liked it way rather than the nightmares he always had.

Dipper knew he couldn't get up with Bill hugging his waist so he eventually fell asleep as well. He woke up about an hour later and decided to wake Bill up. He shook him a little until he saw his eye open a little. "You can't sleep all day" he said as he smiled a little and helped Bill sit up.

Bill blushes and chuckled. "Sorry." He said softly with a yawn. He stretched his arms and legs and smiled at dipper. "Have you figured out how to control dreams?" He asked, curious to see if dipper did that last night.

"I did actually" he said as he ruffled Bills hair a little and realized he still needed to get dressed. Dipper got up and went upstairs and frowned when he saw that all he had in his closet was his old clothes. How do I change into my new clothes, he wondered as he started playing with his powers and soon figured it out. He brushed his hair a little and went back downstairs, not sure what the two of them would do today.

Once dipper went upstairs, Bill had fallen asleep again on the couch. As dipper entered the room bill slid off the couch as he slept. When he got the ground he didn't even wake, he just kept snoring. His hat went sideways on his head as well.

Dipper sighed and went over and knew Bill was just doing this to annoy him. I guess I'll leave him alone, he thought a he went into the kitchen and grabbed something to drink. He went outside and sat on the porch and watched cars go by and people walking on the pavement, some stopping to chat. Dipper took a sip from the bottle and wondered if they could even see him. I doubt it, he thought as he leaned against the side of the house and continued to watch people enjoying their day.

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