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Bill felt dipper and hugged him, making sure he stayed their. Bill continued to have the nightmares, and he flinched a few times. Soon morning came and his strength had returned mostly.

Dipper didn't get a lot of sleep that night but it didn't effect him all that badly. He saw Bill having bad dreams and watched him, knowing he couldn't do anything. He saw him wake up in the morning and smiled a little. "Morning" he said softly as he kissed his forehead and got up, fully energized as if he actually had slept some last night.

Bill blushed and rubbed his head because of the nightmares. "Morning.." He said and then asked "did you figure out how to control dreams..?" Bill thought that maybe dipper was bringing him the dreams as pay back for what happened when he was younger. Bill was the only dream demon, but he did turn dipper into one. The skill could've been transferred.

"No not yet" he said, not knowing he could even do that. Dipper went downstairs and sat down on the couch and felt cold and tired. I want sleep, he thought as he laid his head on the couch and pressed a pillow against his face. I better stop doing this before Bill comes downstairs, he thought as he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

Bill was already standing next to the couch when dipper rose up. He placed his hands on his hips and smiled. "Need more sleep?" He asked, knowing dipper needed it. He tapped his foot, "you were out awful late weren't you." He teased and chuckled "now get to sleep."

"I tried sleeping last night but I just couldn't" he said as he looked down at the ground, knowing he wouldn't be able to now either. "I had too much on my mind" he said softly as he laid on the couch and stared at the ceiling. Dipper did have a lot on his mind and so many questions that he didn't really want answers to.

Bill rubbed dippers head and tried to warm him up "sleep well then. Dipper ." Bill said as he rubbed his head, soon causing dipper to fall asleep. Bill decided to stay by dippers side and watch over his dreams. Making sure he was alright.

Dipper soon drifted asleep and he soon started to dream. It didn't take long for it to turn to the worst. He turned over, no longer facing Bill and the dream was about bits and pieces of his life that Bill didn't know about. It was mostly about his attempt in suicide. Dippers eyes shot open but he didn't move. It's starting to happen to me again, he thought as he sat up and looked over at Bill.

Bills eyes were full of tears. "D-dipper I'm. I'm sorry." He looked down and placed his head in his hands. Bill caused this and he needed to fix it. He's beginning to fall apart himself, but cared about dipper so much that he didn't realize

Dipper sat up and didn't know what had happened. He got on his knees and hugged him a little. "Please don't cry" he said in a hushed voice and smiled a little. He looked into his eyes and smiled softly and leaned in and kissed him deeply. Dipper broke the kiss and knew Bill wouldn't like what he was about to do. "I need to go for a myself" he said softly as he stood up and grabbed the keys.

An unexpected turn of events.Where stories live. Discover now