The perfect gift.

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Bill smiled wide and started to ready up the house a little. He knew now that things would be okay. Him and dipper would be happy. So he hoped. He soon laid in the couch and fell asleep to the tv show 'Tiger Fist'

Dipper got up a little bit later and transported to go to somewhere. He bought something and transported back home. He hid the gift and hoped Bill wouldn't see it and if he did, not to open it. Dipper smiled and sighed a little, wondering if Bill would like it. He sat down on the bed and thought about it more.

Bill stayed asleep, he had been awake for 6 days straight and needed energy. He drooled slightly and his hair got messy as usual. He dreamt about dipper and smiled as he slept.

Dipper was starting to get worried and was acting a bit different all of a sudden. He laid on his bed and bit down on his lip. Should I even give it to him, he thought. We've been dating for more than a year now and it's about time I got him a gift, he thought as he sat up and smiled. Dipper knew he'd give it to him but didn't know when would be best.

Bill rolled off the couch with a loud bang. But he stayed asleep, he is a heavy sleeper. He keeps dreaming and is almost energized fully. He bumps the remote and the tv shuts off. Some of bills drool also gets on the floor.

Dipper heard Bill hit the ground and laughed a little to himself. He looked down at the ground and smiled to himself. Two days from now is our one year anniversary of dating, he reminded himself and got up and picked up the gift box. I guess then would be the best time to give it to him, he thought as he heard it again and headed downstairs to make sure Bill was okay.

Bill snored louder than ever and didn't know. He has his face pushed up against the floor and his hat is now fallen off.

Dipper couldn't help but laugh a little and helped Bill back on to the couch. He shook him until he woke up. I bet he forgot, he thought as his smile faded and kissed Bills forehead. "If you sleep any longer, you are going to end up killing yourself" he said as he went back upstairs, hoping Bill wouldn't fall back asleep until it was dark.

Bill yawned and stretched. "D-dipper!" He called out and blushed. He realized what time of year it was and needed to call him down. "Pine tree?" He called again, sort of getting impatient as he would normally.

Dipper knew Bill probably needed something so he headed back downstairs and sat down next to him. "Do you need something?" he asked, not knowing why Bill called him down. Dipper still didn't look very happy and wasn't at the moment so he waited for Bills response with a neutral expression.

Bill smiled and hugged dippers waist "guess what's coming up!" He said softly, not thinking dipper would remember. "One year anniversary!" He exclaimed and smiled widely at dipper.

Dipper smiled and hugged him tightly. "You remembered" he said softly and felt a lot better. "I am going to get you something so don't be sneaking around the house looking for it" he said, carefully using the word 'am' instead of 'have'. Dipper knew Bill would probably have mixed feelings about it but hopefully he'd like it. It kind of worried Dipper more than it should.

Bill blushed, knowing this time deer teeth won't cut it. "Oh oh I. I gotta go!" He said fast. He needed to get dipper a gift fast because he forgot. Bill grabbed a coat and ran out the door, hoping he didn't sound too rude to dipper.

Dipper watched him leave and smiled. I hope he didn't have the same idea as me, he thought as he went upstairs and got out the box and opened it a little and felt butterflies fill his stomach. He hugged it a little and really hoped Bill would like it. Id literally be heartbroken if he didn't but I would understand if he didn't, he thought as he put it away and started to get a little eager.

Bill looked around the stores "if I were a dipper what would I want." He said to himself. He spotted a pair of fancy glasses with a string across it. He picked them up. He also found a little blue hat that bill thought would go nicely on dipper. He then got a rose and headed back home.

An unexpected turn of events.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang