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Dipper saw how sad he was and wondered if he should change into his demon form. Dipper would remember him, but hate him. Bill sighed and didn't know what to do. How would he explain that dippers a demon. How would he explain how they were in love. He started to cry and just sat their.

Dipper sat up and shook Bill, wanting to ask him something. "Bill is it? Can I ask you something?" he asked as he smiled a little and tilted his head a little. Dipper threw his legs over the bed and looked at Bill, wondering why he was crying.

Bill wiped his tears and looked up at dipper. "Go ahead.." He said softly and would answer anything dipper asked as best as he could.

Dipper looked around again and knew this was going to sound rude but he needed to know. "Where's my sister?" he asked a he tilted his head a little and looked at Bill. Dipper and Mabel had been hard to separate as kids and since that's all he could remember, he didn't understand why she wasn't here too.

"D-dipper you see. We left Mabel.. And Grunkle Stan.. They treat you badly. " he sighed and looked down. He didn't know how dipper would take this or even if he would beeline him. "I'm sorry dipper." He looked down again, feeling terrible because it was partially his own fault.

Dipper was slightly confused but mostly sad for some reason. Why would they treat me badly, he thought as he looked down at the ground and his eyes filled with tears. "Take me home" he said as he wiped his eyes and didn't want to be at this hospital with this man anymore and wanted to be with his sister.

Bill sighed and they started to walk. "If they start to treat you bad, I'll wait outside the house.." He warned. "After that we can go to our home." He smiled half way and soon they arrived at the mystery shack.

Dipper was kind of surprised how quickly they got there but was happy anyways. He went up to the door and knocked and not too long later, Mabel answered the door and looked a bit confused. Dipper hugged her anyways and her expression stayed the same. She looked over at Bill and narrowed her eyes. "Dipper?" she asked and pulled him off of her a little.

Bill looked down and sighed "he lost his memory.." Bill got a little teary as he spoke. He didn't want dipper to leave him. Not yet. He looked like he was holding his emotions back a lot. Bill made sure to stay back from Mabel in case she didn't want him there.

Mabel looked back at Dipper and sighed. "Do you know this man?" she asked and he shook his head. She grabbed his hand and drug him over to Bill. "This. Is Bill" she said as she face palmed herself a little. "You live with him" she said as she looked up at him and put Dippers hand on Bills. "Now" she said as she looked over at Bill. "You go easy on him. Don't force him to do anything" she barked at him. Mabel hugged Dipper and told him to just go home with him and he nodded. She went back inside, leaving them outside.

Bill nodded as well and looked at dipper. "Maybe the house will make you remember." He looked down at here hands and he smiled half way. 'Why would Mabel do that for me..' He thought, feeling as if she have him and dipper permission.

Dipper smiled and nodded. They soon went back to the house and Dipper looked around, amazed that this was his house. He went upstairs and looked around and spotted his hat and picked if up. This is mine, he remembered as he looked at the flowers on it and assumed he did that. He put it on and was actually pretty happy.

Bill watched him and smiled "I did that with the flowers earlier.." He smiled to himself and tried to not cry anymore. "Do you remember anything?" He asked calmly so dipper wouldn't be rushed with questions.

"This is mine" he said as he pointed at his hat and smiled brightly. "And I live with you?" he said, questioning himself a little. Dipper took off his hat and looked down at it. He didn't remember what had happened in the past year so he wasn't as depressed. He looked up at Bill and wondered why he always seemed so sad. "Why are you crying?" it asked, tilting his head a little and his smile fading.

Bill turned red and looked down shyly "you were in a coma before you lost your memory.. I almost lost you. " he said softly. Not wanting dipper to be too alarmed. Bill started to get teary as he talked about it, and tried to hold back.

Dipper listened and he kind of remembered some of it. He set down his hat and didn't seem as happy anymore. He went downstairs and laid on the couch, facing away from the living room and thought about everything he could remember. Mabel had warned Bill not to overwhelm Dipper and now Dipper was starting to get his bad traits back.

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