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Dipper had been weak and tired all day but now that it was night, he was even more tired. "I'm sorry that I'm sick" he said in a soft tone, even though it wasn't his own fault at all. He just felt like it was.

"It's not your fault, I think. " he said confused. He looked down at dipper, kissed his head, and said "goodnight pine tree." Bill was planning on sending dipper good dreams that night.

Dipper smiled and didn't even want to try to get upstairs. He passed out quickly, making Bill not able to get up now but he didn't really care. He was just so tired that he couldn't bother to get up now. Dipper looked peaceful as he smiled in his sleep.

Bill sent wonderful dreams and soon fell asleep. He still sat up with dipper in his lap, but didn't care. He lived dippers company.

Dipper woke up in the morning and felt some what better. He sat up and rubbed his head and saw that Bill was still asleep. He left him alone and went upstairs to get changed. Dipper looked in the full body mirror and smiled a little. "I hope today will be better than yesterday,' he thought as he sat down.

Bill stayed asleep and was drooling slightly as he leaned on his hand. He didn't have any dreams, and he was a deep sleeper. He didn't realize that dipper had left his presence.

Dipper went back downstairs and made himself a cup of tea and guessed that Bill was going to be asleep for awhile. He sat down and turned on the tv and turned it down so it wouldn't be loud enough to wake him up. Dipper enjoyed his morning the best he could.

Bill soon slouched over and laid his while body across the couch, placing his head on dippers lap as he slept. He was still asleep, but needed to get comfortable. The tv didn't affect him.

Dipper smiled as he looked down and saw Bill now sleeping on his lap. He set the cup down and played with Bills hair while he watched the morning news. He actually felt a lot better now.

Bill felt his hair being touched as he slept, and he blushed. His hat slid off his head because the angle he was at and it fell to the ground. Soon after he woke up and looked up at dipper.

Dipper smiled down at him and continued to run his fingers through his hair. "Good morning" he said as he tilted his head a little and leaned down and kissed his forehead. "You slept for quite awhile" he said as he glanced at his watch.

Bill blushed and yawned slightly "sorry about that." He said as he wrapped his arms around dippers waist, leaning his head on his lap.

Dipper was a little shocked from his clinging on so fast but smiled. "Don't be. I like seeing you sleep. You look so peaceful" he said as he ran his fingers through Bills hair and wondered what they would do today

Bill blushed and absolutely adored when dipper touched his hair. Bill reached up and started twisting his fingers in dippers hair. "Thanks.." He said softly and stayed close to dipper. He yawned a little as he started to get less sleepy.

Dipper knew that today would be a more relaxed day and smiled a little at the thought of that. I actually get a break from my life for once, he thought as he laid his head back. Dipper thought about how many times he had been pushed around and worked till he was bleeding and was never thanked. His smile vanished and knew he had to move on from the past. You are happy now, he reminded himself and looked back down at Bill.

Bill grabbed dippers hand as the silence took over. He enjoyed the relaxing mood and smiled cutely up at dipper. He rubbed his thumb gently across dippers hand, then leaned down and kissed it gently. He made sure not to let his teeth hit dippers hand on accident.

Dipper blushed a little and smiled back a little. He looked down at Bill and wondered why he couldn't have lived liked this earlier.' I could have been so much more happy,' he thought as he realized Bill was the only one who had ever shown him any kind of kindness here. He really is perfect, he thought as he held on to him a little tighter, not wanting anything ever to happen to him.

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