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Bill had 15 more minuets  until he needed to be called back. He shook a little, knowing this would hurt but he had to. "For dipper.." He muttered over and over again as he placed his head in his knees. More demons ignored him and continued on. 

Dipper drove as fast as he was allowed to and soon got to the council. He got out and went inside quickly, looking for Bill. He spotted him and sighed. I made it, he thought as he went over and got on his knees in front of him and slapped him hard. "What on earth do you think you are doing?" he asked, knowing he was acting a bit rude but he needed to knock some sense into him.

Bill fell over a little and looked down. He was surprised when dipper slapped him. "I. I'm just. " he got choked up and shook a little. "I want you happy again and. It's the least I can do to help you have happiness.." He sighed and rubbed his face were dipper hit him.

Dipper sighed a little and looked down at the ground. "I am happy. I just am not used to this yet" he said as he hugged him a little, happy he got here in time. He heard the overheard speaker say that the meeting was about to start. I can't let him go in there, he thought as he hugged him tighter, knowing that if he let him go, he'd lose him forever

Bill stood with his head down as he tried to walk forward to the room. "For dipper.." He muttered again and closed his eyes, looking over at dipper sadly. "I just want you happy." He repeated and stopped walking in his tracks as dipper grabbed him.

"Please don't leave me" he said as he started to feel a bit weak. He got on his knees and felt dizzy. This can't be happening, he thought as everything went black and his head hit the floor. Dipper transported back to his house automatically and was out cold. He was now unconscious on the couch and he was automatically sent back home if anything happened.

Bill gasped and transported just in time as the people came out to get him. They didn't see him so they called for the next meeting. Bill transported home with year stains on his cheeks "dipper!" He exclaimed and touched dippers forehead "what have I done." He splashed some water on dippers face fast.

Dipper jolted up, shaking his head. He looked up and saw Bill but was mad instead of happy. He wiped his forehead and this his eye went wide. He got my hat wet, he thought as he took off his hat and anger started to fill him up. Dipper got up quickly and went upstairs, not wanting to talk to Bill for awhile.

Bill had sorrow in his eyes as he started to silently cry. He threw himself on the floor and continuesly banged his head on it. He wanted to feel pain and kept trying harder each time. "Dumb" "stupid" i just. Want. Him happy " he said each time he banged his head.

Dipper knew what Bill was doing but didn't care. He went into the bathroom and locked the door and opened the drawer where he had hidden some things. He pulled out a knife and tears filled his eyes. I just want to be happy, he thought as he stabbed his stomach over and over again, wanting to feel pain. Dipper dropped the knife and buried his face into his hands and felt blood run down his stomach.

Bill stood up and wanted to talk to dipper. He knocked on the door softly "d-dipper..?" He said sorrowfully. "I'm s-sorry i just thought that I would help.." He sighed and then saw something red go out of the bottom if the door. He gasped and snapped, sending the door off the hinges.

Dipper knew Bill would do something like that. He was sitting against the bathtub and had his face buried in his knees and the floor was covered in fresh blood. There was a knife a few feet away from Dipper and his hat was on the counter. "Go away" he said in a tone that have away that he had been crying a lot.

Bill knew dipper couldn't die from this, but it could cause damage to him. Bill grabbed the knife and snarled, shoving it into his own stomach. Dipper has to learn, and bill needs him to see what he sees. "I'll call the medic.. " he said, talking about the demon one.

Dipper jumped a little bit when he heard Bill shove the knife into his own stomach. Why won't he just let me do what I want, he thought as he looked up a little and his eye was bloodshot bad. Dipper really was starting to get depressed and it could only get worse from here. He laid down on the ground, feeling a bit dizzy and felt anger and sadness mix inside of him.

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