The Council.

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Dipper started to panic a little and got on his knees and hugged Bill, knowing he was starting to lose energy fast. "I forgive you" he said softly as he hugged him tight and nuzzled into his neck. I could never stay mad at him, he thought as he smiled a little and kind of wanted to go to this 'council' place. I can't let Bill know though, he thought and decided to just figure out where this place was tonight was when Bill was asleep.

Bill had tears running down his cheeks, he wanted to protect dipper. "I'm s-sorry.." When he said that, dipper could hear his energy draining. He needed rest. "D-don't leave gravity falls dipper... I need you. " he said softly and hugged dipper back as tight as he could.

Dipper smiled a little. "You have nothing to be sorry about" he said as he lifted him up and carried him upstairs and laid him down on their bed. "You rest. I'll be downstairs if you need anything" he said as he kissed his forehead and then went back downstairs. Dipper knew he wouldn't be able to just research this place so he decided to see if his magic could do anything. He made a map appear and looked at it. That place Bill talked about isn't too far away, just in the city next to us, he observed. He felt bad about leaving but left Bill a note, saying that he went out for a little while. He didn't say anything about coming back on the note though.

Bill fell asleep. He had terrible nightmares as he cries in his sleep. He needed dipper there, but was sleeping. The head counsel had just finished a meeting and they were all dismissed to the public. All the demons were able to get in and out freely.

Dipper got into his car and drove without stopping to this place. He eventually found it and parked out front. He got out of the car and looked up at the place. He saw a bunch of people come out and could tell they were demons too. Dippers curiously got the best of him and he went up to the door and hesitated for a moment but opened the door anyways, not knowing what to expect.

He opened the door to many photos on the wall, it almost looked like a museum and court house at the same place. It was long and talk because demons could float, and demons of many shapes and sizes were in there. No one made a big deal when dipper walked in, thinking he was a normal demon like themselves.

Dipper walked in, realizing he was the only one walking. I'm still not big on the whole flying thing, he thought as he walked around, not knowing where to go. He saw a few people in human form and others in their demon form. This place is weird already, he thought as he walked a little further, kind of disappointed.

Bill stayed asleep, tossing and turning as the nightmares got worse. The council building was boring at the time because everything was running smoothly.

Dipper felt a little left out because everyone was talking to someone else. Maybe it's because I still kind of smell like a human, he thought as he looked down at the floor and sat down against a wall, watched everything. It looks so organized, he thought as he looked down at the ground. And then there's me.

Bills eye shot open. He ran downstairs breathing heavily, and he read the note. He knew dipper had gone to the council building so he quickly transported there. He was still low on energy so he couldn't float or walk that well. He searched and searched to find dipper, when he finally saw the blue color. He used his strength to get to him fast "d-dipper.." He said lightly and was close behind him.

Dipper turned around and his face turned deep red. Oh god, he thought as he quickly went over to him, helping him up. "You need to go home now" he said, knowing how weak he was and knowing someone would recognize him. Dipper didn't know how to transport him back so he sighed and decided to let Bill figure it out. I just got here though, he thought, still wanting to look around.

Bill touched dippers arm and used his remaining strength to transport them both home. Bill immediately dropped to the floor and breathed heavily. "Why'd you. G-go.." He said softly and grabbed dippers boot.

Dipper got on his knees and picked him up and took him back upstairs. "I'll tell you in the morning" he said as he laid him down and decided to lay down next to him. Dipper got dressed into his pajamas and laid down next to him, knowing he would fall asleep quicker if he went to bed the same time he did.

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