New look.

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Bill stood up and yawned. He walked to where dipper was and saw him panicking. He noticed the eye patch and looked down a little. "Sorry pine tree." He said shyly, feeling disappointed in himself for letting this happen to dipper.

Dipper looked over at him and sighed. "It's not your fault" he said as he went over and hugged him softly. "You just did what you had to and I guess I have to pay the price" he said as he smiled a little and let go of him. Dipper went past him and was still getting used to having only one eye now. This is so weird, he thought as he banged into something and his face turned deep red. Crap, he thought as he rubbed he back of his neck and went upstairs.

Bill saw and couldn't help but laugh a little at dippers collision. Bill snapped and his hat appeared on his head, and his bow tie wrapped around his neck. He gasped as he thought, 'I should make dipper an outfit.' "Dipper!" He called out excitedly.

Dipper stopped and sighed. Now what, he thought as he giggled a little to himself and went back downstairs. "What is it?" he asked as he walked back up to Bill, still kind of tired. He rubbed his eyes a little and waited for a response.

Bill chuckled and bounced around "okay okay. Close your eyes." Bill said. As dippers eyes shut, bill snapped and dippers while outfit changed. He wore a blue tux, like bills and his eyepatch was shaped like a pine tree. Dipper hat had returned to his head, and dipper wore black gloves and boots. A hanky like bow appeared where his shirt met his neck. Bill smiled and clapped for himself.

Dipper opened his eye and looked down at himself and smiled. He hugged Bill tightly and then looked back down at his outfit. "I love it" he said as he looked up and felt his hat back on his head. He took it off for a moment and looked at it and wondered why Bill had put it back on him. It doesn't really go along with the outfit, he thought as he put it back on, not wanting to make Bill mad.

Bill smiled and walked closer to dipper. "I thought that you may want to keep the hat. It's special." He smiled and pushed the front of the hat down over dippers eyes. Bill chuckles and then kisses dippers cheek "glad you like it."

Dipper blushed a little and rearranged his hat. "I think I'm just going to wear it on special occasions now" he said, wanting his hat to last as long as it could. He took it off and looked at it and smiled. Pine tree, he thought as he went upstairs and set it on their bed. Dipper went into the bathroom and adjusted a few things and looked back down at himself. I really do like this, he thought as he looked back up in the mirror and ruffled his hair again. Maybe I should get a hair cut, he wondered to himself.

Bill smiled and laid on his side on the couch, his legs crosses as he leaned his head on his hand. The flower falls out of bills hair and he smiles, picking it up. He gazes at it as he thinks about dipper. 'He's grown up..' Bill thought as he remembered all that they have been through.

Dipper looked back up at the mirror and knew if he cut his hair, his birthmark would be completely visible again. He remembered all the times he got beat up because of it and his hands turned to fists. I was weak then, he thought as he looked at himself now. I can't help that I'm not normal, he thought as he un-tensed and let out a sigh. I probably should ask Bill first before I just cut my hair, he thought as he went back downstairs.

Bills hair was half shaved and dyed. Yellow and black. He stayed laying like that as he looked at dipper "well hello pine tree." He said and chuckled. Bill looked up at him as he walked closer "what's it that you need?" He said and sat up, brushing off his shoulders.

"I just need your opinion on something" he said as he sat down next to him and looked down at the ground. "Do you think I should cut my hair? It's getting kind of long and I wanted to know what you thought" he asked as he looked up at him and smiled a little. Dipper knew Bill would probably say yes but he didn't know what he wanted his hair to look like. I've never wanted to cut my hair because I always got harassed because of it, he thought as he looked down at the ground. All I wanted was longer hair so people would stop pointing out what I already knew was there, he thought as he tensed up a little but that didn't last too long.

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