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Dipper smiled softly and sat down across from him. He got a menu a and glanced at everything. Everything sounds so good, he thought. Dipper thought for a minute and then looked up at him. "What are you getting?"

"I'm getting the Smoked Salmon, Herbed or seasoned smoked salmon perfect with dill and crackers. " bill said. He always got fancy food, even thought that wasn't the most appetizing thing on the menu.

Dipper nodded, knowing that was normal. "I'm not sure what to get" he said as he looked down at the menu again. "I guess I'll just get chicken. I'm not big on fancy stuff like you are"

Bill smiled to himself "alright. " as they waited, a waiter soon appeared. Bill told him what he was getting, and ordered for dipper too.

Dipper sat back a little and waited for the food to come. He glanced up at Bill and smiled a little. "Thanks for taking me here" he said as he reached across the table and took Bills hand.

Bill blushed red, and held dippers hands back. He looked at dipper and smiled "anything for you." He lifted dippers hand up and kissed it gently.

A light blush spread on his face and smiled softly. Dipper glanced up and saw their food on it's way. He pulled his hand back and put it on his lap. They got there food and Dippers lit up. "This looks so good" he said and grabbed a fork.

Bill grabbed a dork and knife and started to cut his salmon properly. He glanced up at dipper as the waiter walked away. He smiled softly.

Dipper started eating and glanced up at Bill. "I hate how he is all fancy and I'm just like a little kid,' he thought. He surged to himself and continued to eat. Dipper finished and set the fork down.

Bill looked at dipper and smiled "I love when we have differences, dipper." He said, knowing that the more differences you have with someone, the more you learn from them and get to know one another.

Dipper grabbed his glass and started drinking water. "Yeah. I guess" he said as he sat back and was acting like a little kid. Dipper crossed his arms and looked down at the ground.

Bill noticed as he ate some of his food. He put his fork down and leaned across the table. He looked at dipper and poked his nose. He chuckled.

Dipper looked up at him and blushed. "What are you doing?" he asked as he giggled a little and sat up. They soon got their receipt and paid and went back to the house.

Bill chuckled and held dippers hand as they walked. They entered the house and the sky was dim. It wasn't night, but it was late.

An unexpected turn of events.Where stories live. Discover now