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Bill sighed and looked back up. "The counsel.." Bill said as he realized that he said too much. Turning humans into demons was against the rules, so he had to stay away from them at all costs.

Dipper tensed up a little. He could tell Bill had something against them. He decided not to ask anything else. Dipper looked down at the ground and felt his smile fade. I hope I didn't get Bill into any trouble, he thought as he tensed up a little and knew if Bill got his immortality taken away from him, he would die. Dipper changed back into his human form and started to get a little scared.

Bill changed back as well and hugged dipper "just stay in gravity falls." He said softly and sadly. "It wold be. Best.." He sighed, knowing that if dipper changed, bill would have to as well.

Dipper nodded and hugged him back. "I won't go anywhere" he said as he smiled a little and still knew something was wrong but Bill wasn't telling him. He let him go and looked down at the ground. I don't want him to be taken away from me, he thought as his eyes started to fill with tears but he quickly wiped his eyes.

Bill gasped and hugged dipper tightly. "It's okay. It's okay." He said softly and started to get tearful too. He stayed hugging him and never wanted to let go.

Dipper looked up at him and smiled softly. He hugged him tightly and shut his eyes tight. I don't want him to ever leave, he thought as he looked over at him a little. If something ever happened to him, I wouldn't be able to live with myself, he thought as he realized he couldn't just kill himself if he wanted to. I'd have to live in pain forever, he thought as he shut his eyes tight, tears running down his face.

Bill hugged tighter "they don't know about this place. " he said reassuringly and sniffled. "Dipper it'll be okay. " he said softly and pressed their foreheads together.

Dipper wiped his eyes and looked up at him. He couldn't help but smile. I have no choice but to believe him, he thought as he leaned in and kissed him deeply. He rested on of his hands on Bills neck and the other on his waist. Dipper broke the kiss and hoped Bill was telling the truth. "I don't know what id do without you" he said softly.

Bill blushed and kissed back. He placed both his hands around dippers waist and smiled. He looked him in the eyes and blushed. "Same to y-you." He stuttered as he just got over the crying.

Dipper smiled softly and knew they both would be okay just as long as they stayed here. He looked down at the ground and took both of Bills hands and held on tightly. "We should probably go back home" he said softly as he looked up at him and saw that the flower was still in his hair. I love him so much, he thought as he smiled a little and wondered if Bill had fallen in love with another in the past.

Bill smiled and held his hands back. "I never loved before dipper!" He said loudly and kissed his cheek hard. He blushed and looked down shy. "Y-yeah let's get. Home."

Dipper blushed and rubbed his cheek a little. If Bill really has been around this long, how could he not have fallen in love before, he wondered to himself as they headed back home. It wasn't long before they got back and Dipper was tired. He laid face first on the couch and soon passed out. He didn't normally stay up the late.

Bill chuckled and laid beside him. He curled up to dipper and soon fell asleep next to him. He had nice dreams and have dipper great ones. Soon it was morning and light shine through the window. Bill stayed asleep peacefully.

Dipper smiled in his sleep as his mind filled with good dreams. He woke up in the morning and sat up and rubbed his eyes. He froze and realized something was different. He quickly went into the bathroom and frowned. Dipper looked at the patch over one of his eyes and tried to take it off but it wouldn't budge. Great, he thought as he looked in the mirror and realized he hadn't wore his hat in awhile. Dipper ruffled his hair, his birthmark showing a little.

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