Good or bad.

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Dipper tilted his head a little and wondered what Bill wanted to do. "What is it?" he asked, afraid Bill was going to make it a surprise. He better not be thinking about doing anything to hurt anyone, he thought as he looked down at his hands and then back up at him. Dipper knew Bill hadn't always been as nice as he was so there was no telling what he was wanting to do.

"It's up to you. Good. Or bad?" He chuckled and floated up above dipper. "I'll do anything you want." He said normally and smiled dreamily at dipper. Bill would do anything for dipper.

Dipper face turned a little red. He smiled and looked up at him. He attempted to go up but it didn't end very well. He fell back on to the couch and growled a little. This sucks, he thought as he stood up and brushed himself off. Dipper looked back up at him and wondered what he did want to do.

Bill grabbed dippers hand and helped him float. "It takes practice." He said and smiled. Bill waited for dipper to make up his mind and he was getting impatient, but didn't show it.

Dipper smiled and looked down at the ground, thinking about it hard. "I don't think I can decide until I actually am in a situation where I can use my powers for good or bad" he said honestly as he looked up at him, knowing he probably wouldn't take that as an answer. Dipper looked back down at the ground and knew Bill probably wouldn't be a nice demon now that Dipper was one.

Bill smiled "alright." He then grabbed dippers hand and ran out the door. "Let's go collect deer teeth!" He said happily as he ran into the woods with dipper. He planned on letting dipper have some time.

Dipper was confused but had no choice but to follow him. Demons are weird, he thought as he smiled a little and looked around. It's so pretty out here at night but it wouldn't be if someone ran into someone like Bill at this time of day, he thought as he looked ahead and could tell Bill was excited. He shut his eyes and felt the wind blow in his face. I hope there isn't anyone out here tonight, he thought as he opened his eyes and realized they were stopping.

Bill looked up and around the wood. He chuckled and snapped, deer teeth appeared in his hand. "Here kid." He placed them in dippers hand and smiled. He blushed a little and acted shy. "For you." He acted like he was handing dipper flowers.

Dipper looked down at his hands and raised in eyebrow. He looked back up at Bill and smiled. He leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you" he said as he looked around, wanting to give Bill something. He spotted something and his eyes lit up. He put the teeth in his pocket and went over and picked a rose from a rose bush. Dipper went back over and put it in Bills hair and giggled. He's so cute, he thought

Bill gasped and looked up at the flower. He giggled and blushed. "Thank you." He smiled at dipper and thought, 'charming..' He blushed and hugged dipper. Bill went on his tip toes and kissed dipper on the lips.

Dipper blushed and wrapped his arms around him and kissed him back. He broke the kiss and smiled brightly. He froze a little and he looked up. Someone else is here, he thought as he tilted his head a little and decided not to worry about it too much. Dipper looked back at Bill and wondered if they really would get to spend eternity together. I wonder if there is any more demons like Bill, he wondered and decided not to ask, thinking it might sound rude.

Bill smiled and snuggled into dipper. He got used to being a good person now, and loved it. He looked in dippers eyes and could tell he had questions. Bill turned into a demon form again, and wanted dipper to as well. Just in case anyone was around. "Ask me anything." He said straight forward.

Dipper nodded and tried to think of what he wanted to ask. He still wasn't very good at changing forms so I took him a moment but he eventually got it. "If you don't mind my asking, are there any more demons like you around here? I've never seen another one but you might know another" he asked, not wanting to just start pouring out questions.

Bill narrowed his eye. "Yeah." He said kind of disappointed. "But they are bad.." He snarled at the thought. "Any other questions?" He asked and would answer anything asked.

"If you are capable of giving people immortality, why can't you get rid of it?" he asked as he tilted his head a little and smiled. Dipper knew Bill wouldn't like some of his questions but he promised to answer them. He glanced back over and it was kind of bothering him. I wish they would go away, he thought as he looked back at Bill.

"I'm not so sure.. There may be something but. We'd have to ask." Bill blushed and sighed. He assumed dipper didn't like being an immortal demon. Bill shrugged and then glanced down at the ground under them. He realized that the flower was still with him and he smiled.

Dipper blinked a few times when he heard that. "Ask who?" he asked as he tilted his head again and started to get curious. Dipper did like being a demon so far but he knew he'd most likely get sick of it fast. He looked up and saw that Bill still had the flower in his hair and smiled to himself. He's a strange one but I love him, he thought.

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