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Bill used the image of the window to see trees outside. He went to the woods and searched around everywhere. When he got deep into the woods, he noticed something weird about a tree. It had a hidden leaver and bill pulled it. It opened into stairs and bill went down them fast to see a long dirty passage way.

Dipper woke up a little while later and then sat up and rubbed his head. He looked around and noticed that the lights were on now. The room was all black and the floor was white. He looked at the wall and saw the chains on his hands connected into the wall deep. Dipper put his feet on the wall and tried to pull the chains out but they didn't budge. "Great" he mumbled and then sat against the wall and wondered why he was here.

Bill heard voices as he hid inside the walls of the passage way. Two people walked down it and he then got back out into the passage way. Bill walked until he found a series of doors that were sealed shut.

Dipper looked over at the window and wished he was closer to it. He heard people walking outside of his door and he moved closer to the wall, scared about what might happen. He hugged his knees and heard his door open a little. A person walked in and then shut the door behind them and then locked it tightly. They walked over to Dipper and got on their knees and lifted up Dippers face and looked him in the eyes. The person had a dust mask over their mouth and goggles on. They let go of Dipper and stood up and then left the room to go fetch something but still sealed the door air tight behind them.

When Bill saw the people walk out of the room, he walked up to the door. Bill peeked through the window and he went through the wall into the cell. It was freezing, and he noticed dipper. In his triangle form, he hovered over to the boy. "Pine tree." He whispered and his eye went kind looking.

Dipper tensed up a little but soon realized who was in the room. He looked over and smiled and looked back down at the ground. "Hello" he said softly as he wiped his eyes and tried to stand up but couldn't. I don't think Bill can get me out of this one, he thought as he sat back against the wall.

Bill was thinking about something to help dipper, but could ruin his life. "Dipper. Odds are we won't be able to sneak you out." Bill said as he snapped, and the chains broke. "I could turn you.. immortal. Only of you want that for the rest if your life. " bill knew that if this happened they would be able to spend eternity together, but dipper would leave a lot of things behind. "It's up to you.." He said softly.

Dipper looked down at his hands and rubbed his wrists. I could be...immortal, he thought as he tried to imagine that. He looked up at Bill and wondered if he wished he wasn't immortal. I guess I don't have a lot of time to think about this, he thought as he un-tensed a little and knew he had to do it. It might ruin some stuff for me in the future but at least I'll get to spend forever with Bill. Dipper nodded and stood up and looked at him.

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