Free time.

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"maybe I can help her fast and be back in a minuet. " he suggested and tilted his head. Not wanting his plans with dipper ruined. He also didn't want dipper working on his only day off.

"I doubt she'd let you help" he said as he looked up at him. Dipper sighed a little. I guess Mabel is just going to have to do her own work. He smiled a little and kissed Bills cheek. "I'll stay here with you. She needs to learn how to do her own work anyways"

Bills eyes widened and he opened his mouth with joy. "Oh boy!" He said and hugged dipper "you need the break. Good choice." He said as he took dippers hand and gripped it.

Dipper giggled a little and nodded. "I guess I could use a break" he said, knowing his body was going to be confused about why he wasn't working. He held on to Bills hand tight and started walking. "Where do you normally go when I'm not around?" he asked softly, afraid the answer would be far from what he was thinking

"Usually people's minds. It's not as boring in there. " he said like it was a normal thing to be doing. He would go there a lot to get his mind off of dipper.

Dipper stopped for a moment. "Have you ever done that to me?" he asked, wondering if he had and Dipper never noticed. Bill had sent him to the mindscape before but he didn't think this was the same thing

"Not recently, no" he said calmly as he walked. "I try not to get into your business. " he admitted and thought about all the times he thought about doing that to dipper, but never did.

Dipper followed him and wondered why he didn't answer just yes or no. He looked down at the ground while they walked and wondered who all he had done it to. Probably everyone, he thought

Bill glanced over at dipper thought, 'he probably thinks I'm crazy.' He sighed and looked away. Bill then continued walking, soon they reached the woods and walked into them. Bill cleared a path so they could get through easily.

Dipper watched all the branches and roots move so he could wall through. He smiled softly. Bill really does love me, he thought as he thought about all the little things he had done for him. He followed closely behind and smiled to himself

Bill checked to see if dipper was still behind him and alright as they entered. They reached an area that was open and bill turns to dipper smiling. "Alright Pine tree." He said slowly and made a little flower bed on the ground.

Dipper looked down and watched in amazement. He sat down and smiled softly. "This is beautiful" he said as he hugged Bill softly and patted down next to him for Bill to sit down. He picked up one of the flowers and smelled it and smiled. How does he know these are my favorite?

Bill sits beside dipper nervously, doing the best he could to get dipper happy. Bill picks one up and puts it in dippers soft brown hair. The wind blows some of the flowers up and they spin around the two.

Dipper smiled brightly. He was so happy right now. He looked over at Bill and leaned in and kissed him softly. "Thank you" he said softly and held on to his hand lightly. He watched the flowers and his eyes lit up

Bill smiled wide and kissed dippers cheek slowly. He watched the flowers as well and took everything in. The day was beautiful and only few clouds were in the sky. Nothing was in the way of the two.

Dipper laid back and shut his eyes softly. He still had a soft smile on his face. He felt the cool wind blow by and it running through his hair. Dipper opened his eyes and looked up at the clouds

Bill looked down at dipper. He smiled and placed a hand on dippers smooth arm. Bill rubbed it gently and lovingly "cutie.." He muttered to himself.

Dipper smiled to himself and sat up. He grabbed Bill without warning and pulled him down with him, him now being on top of him. Dipper giggled a little and blushed

Bill chuckled and laid on his back. He looked up at dipper with a smile and grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him down to bill. He then kisses dipper gently as he smiles.

Dipper kissed him back and laid down with him. He wrapped his arm around him and shut his eyes softly. He nuzzled in next to him. Dipper heard something and his eyes shot open. I know what that was, he thought.

An unexpected turn of events.Where stories live. Discover now