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Bill soon woke up and sighed. He didn't know he fell asleep and he quickly walked out to dipper. Bills hat was side ways and his hair was a mess. "S-sorry I fell asleep dipper!" He exclaimed and walked to him.

Dipper looked over at him and laughed a little bit. He looks so funny, he thought as he stood up and ruffled Bills hair a little and then adjusted his hat for him. "There" he said as he put his hands on his hips and looked him up and down. "Much better" he said as he walked past Bill and went back inside and went upstairs into their bedroom.

Bill blushes and smiles. "Thanks." When dipper starts to walk inside bill hovers beside him and continues to their bedroom. "What now pine tree?" He asked and went upside down in the air.

Dippers smile faded a little as he stretched a little and sat down on the bed. "Is it okay if I have some alone time?" he asked, a little scared that Bill was going to take it the wrong way. He really did just want to be left alone at the moment. Dipper still had a lot on his mind and wanted some time to think about it more.

Bill smiled and kissed dippers forehead "it's fine." Bill soon hovered out of the room and down stairs. He left a note saying he will be back soon as he walked out the door carrying a weaved basket. He walked into the woods and found a flower patch and picked some yellow and blue ones, placing them in the basket.

Dipper was happy that Bill actually let him have some alone time without asking a bunch of questions. He knew he probably shouldn't be doing what he was about to do but didn't care. Just because I'm a demon now doesn't mean I don't miss the old me, he thought as he got up and grabbed something out of his closet. He grabbed his hat and locked himself in the bathroom. Dipper set down his old clothes and hat on his lap and sat against the door so no one could come in. He looked down at them and knew he'd probably need to burn them or else he'd never be able to let go of the past.

Bill then started to float back home. He walked in and had plans to use with dippers hat. He whistled and walked upstairs. He looked in the closet and they were gone. He got confused. "Dipper," he called out "were did you leave your hat?" He asked and walked around searching.

Dipper tensed up a little and knew he didn't have time to do it right now. He put his old clothes under the sink and put his hat on. He peeked out of the bathroom and saw Bill looking around the room. "Here" he said as he took it off, not really wanting to give it to Bill.

"Thanks. I'll give it back super soon." He said fast and shut the door behind his as he took the hat and basket into his bed room. He started placing the flowers on the hat and smiled as he did so. When he finished, he went downstairs and placed it atop dippers head "ta da!" He shouted and threw his arms up, lowering them to his hips.

Dippers eyes shot up and felt a lot of different emotions start to fill him up. Mostly sadness. He forced a smile and took the hat down from his head and looked down at it. He hugged it a little and knew he was going to start crying if he didn't go upstairs. "Thank you" he said in a thankful tone and soon went upstairs and locked the door behind him.

Bill knew something was wrong, but let dipper have some alone time. He sat on the couch and thought about how much this could be hurting dipper and what he needed to do to fix it.

Dipper went back into the bathroom and locked that door as well. He sat down against the door and knew Bill would defiantly not be able to come in now that the bedroom /and/ the bathroom door were locked. He opened the cabinet under the sink and pulled out his old clothes. They still fit me, he thought as he changed and felt sadness take over. Dipper put his hat back on and hugged his knees and felt tears run down his face. I want to be me again, he thought.

Bill realized that he had to do something. He wrote another note and flew out the front door. He went to the council and quickly scheduled a meeting in one hour. He had to do this for dipper. He waited in the main hall, watching demons go by him as time passed.

Dipper shook his head and knew he couldn't act like this forever. He changed back into his newer clothes but kept his hat on. He laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Dipper was starting to get depressed fast. He sighed and felt a like he hadn't been actually happy in forever. He turned over and wondered where Bill was. Oh no, he thought as he sat up quickly, knowing exactly where he was. He got up fast and dashed out of the door, hoping he could catch him before it was too late.

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