Getting accustom

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Bill walked down and sat beside dipper. "Can I tell you a little bit." He asked. Bill smiled half way and ruffled dippers hair, like he usually would. Bill needed to tell dipper a few things.

Dipper sat up and nodded. He looked over at Bill and smiled a little. "What do you need to tell me?" he asked, afraid this would lead to something bad. He didn't really trust Bill all that much yet but that was okay since he hardly knew him.

Bill looked down slightly "you are always so happy. And I always like that about you. " he blushed and thought about telling dipper that they were dating, hoping it wouldn't effect him that badly. "And well. We were in a relationship." He smiled half then stopped, noticing he said 'were' not 'are'.

Dipper smiled and hugged Bill, now understanding why he was always so sad now. He picked up on the word 'were' and then his face went white. Oops, he thought as he let go and looked down at the ground and his face went even more white. "I'm sorry" he said softly, afraid he did something he shouldn't have.

"We still are if you want.. But you don't remember me.." He looked down once more. His eye was sorrowful and he played with the rose in his hand. "Don't be sorry. It's my fault for not protecting you." He said.

Dipper looked down at the ground and tried to remember more but he just couldn't. His head started to hurt. He laid his head down on Bills lap and wrapped his arms around his waist and soon fell asleep. Dipper started to dream about a few of the things he didn't recall earlier.

Bill turned red and stroked Dippers hair as he slept. He smiles down at him and pulled up his dreams. He thought maybe he could put some memories in the dreams. He snapped and sent good memories into dippers dream.

Dipper smiled in his sleep and hugged on to Bill tightly. He woke up a little while later and then looked up at Bill and smiled a little. "Hey, Bill. How long was I out?" he asked as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. Dipper looked over at Bill and could tell he had wet eyes. "Bill? What happened?" he asked, now worried.

Bill smiled half way and said "about a week.. And what do you mean?" He asked and tried to keep a happy face on. Bill just wanted to kiss dipper because he had him back, but knew dipper wouldn't be too happy.

"You look like you've been crying" he said as he lifted up Bills face and looked in to his eyes and frowned. "Why were you crying?" he asked, really worried now. Dipper wasn't really aware that he had been in a coma so it was just like waking up at home like nothing had happened. He tilted his head a little and smiled a little.

"I just. Really want you to remember. But. " he sighed and smiled half way. "I don't know.." He said and frowned, not being able to hold it all in much longer.

Dipper blinked a few times and didn't understand. What was I suppose to remember? He lifted up Bills hands and smiled. "I don't know what you are talking about but I hope you feel better" he said as he kissed Bills cheek and smiled softly. "I don't know what happened while I was asleep but I'm back home and I'm happy"

Bills eye widened and his lips parted slightly. He was shocked and he started to smile wide. "T-thank you dipper!" Bill hugs him tightly and laughs a little. He kisses his cheek as well.

Dipper was confused again but hugged him back. "I love you" he said as he looked back at him and kissed him softly, hoping Bill wouldn't be sad anymore. I hate to see him sad, he thought as he broke the kiss and then got a strange urge to do something but knew he couldn't any time soon. I want him to be happy, he thought as he softly rubbed his thumb on his cheek and hoped Bill would be over what had happened.

Bill laughed as he kissed dippers forehead. "I love you too.." Bill knew things could only get better from here. He smiled and just wanted to relax for once, not knowing if dipper was okay completely yet.

Dipper smiled back and really did wonder how long he was asleep. He got up and hoped that Bill would be okay. He went upstairs and went into his room and then picked up his hat. He smiled and set it back down and laid on his bed. Dipper shut his eyes and wondered what Bill was going to be up to now.

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