Secret 8

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I've always had a hard time opening up, so to no one's surprise I'm very reluctant to open up about my biggest secret.

It's the thing I have hated since I can remember.

It's the thing I've been taught to hate and see as disgusting.

My dad always hated me for it, I wasn't the perfect girl, but would I have been perfect if I was normal?

Would he still have hated me, treated me like garbage and reminded me every single fucking day that I was a freak who should've been aborted?

That's the questions I so desperately want answered.

I was 6 the first time I remember my dad disappearing completely, my mom didn't take it too well and kind of just gave up on me.

She went to work, came home, drank until she passed out and then repeating the cycle everyday.

From that point I was mostly independent and took care of myself.

I didn't mind it too much, I could do whatever the fuck I wanted and no one would care (except maybe the police and my teachers) I felt like I was free for the first time since I was born.

But while dealing with my home life I was also getting bullied in school, there was really nothing I could do about it because nobody cared, I was the "devil child" or the "freak". I could take care of myself.

After 3 years, my granddad finally had enough after I came for a visit looking like a MMA fighter who'd just lost a fight, (don't recommend trying to fight 6 people at once) after that we moved and I had 1 less problem to deal with at least until I got a new one.

Like always the new problem came, and it came in the worst possible way. I was a week into my new school and surprisingly I had only gotten into one fight. I tried keeping my head down and go about my business.

But sometimes life likes to fuck you over.

Sometimes wonder, if there is a god, does he get off on peoples suffering?

Anyway got a little off point there.

So imagine this...little ol' me going to the bathroom to take a piss, when suddenly the door swung open and in comes a group of 'pick me' girls. You see where I'm going?


Well they weren't the nicest bunch and soon enough the whole school knew my secret and they didn't take it well. Once again I was the freak.

Anyway back to the task at hand...telling Elyse my biggest secret.

Wish me luck.

"Hey Elyse" I ask receiving a low hum as a response "I kind of need to talk to you about something that is probably important if we're going to" I say, beginning to feel nervous and I think she can sense it.

She sits up and gives me all of her attention. Yeah she definitely knows I'm nervous because she takes my hand with hers and gives it a squeeze.

"Hey, what's wrong" she asks me, the worry evident in her voice "You know you can tell me anything right? I will never judge you" I really hope she's telling the truth.

"Ok so when I was born..." I take a deep breath trying to ease my nerves "I was kind of born a little different from other girls" fuck this is definitely a conversation that I hate having.

It was much easier with Katie, thanks to her not knowing the meaning of personal space, I didn't have to straight up tell her.

"Ok...different how" she asks.

Is it too late to run?

Yeah probably....FUCK.

"Different like we could have kids, different" I'm really trying to let her figure it out on her own so I don't have to tell her straight out.

She laughs clearly not understanding what I'm getting at "I know we could but isn't it a bit early to start talking about kids" she asks me.

God is this what people mean when they say I'm oblivious?

"Ughhh why is this so hard" I groan out getting really frustrated, not with her, but rather, the situation.

"Hey, hey, hey, just tell me I promise you that I won't judge you or treat you any differently" she squeezes my hand probably seeing how hard this is for me.

"So when I was born they thought I was a boy due to the fact I have a dick...I'm intersex" she is really quite, I don't know if she's trying to process the information or figuring out how to get away from me.

"You don't have to answer I know it's a lot and if you're uncomfortable I understand. If you want to lea—" she cuts off my rant by bringing me in for a kiss.

It's not rushed or heated, but rather soft and passionate. When we finally pull away I'm smiling like an idiot.

"What was that for" I ask her "I'm not complaining though" I still have that stupid smile on my face.

"It was the best way to shut you up" she laughs "I really don't care what's in between your legs, I like you because of your personality" she smiles "but your looks and the fact you have a dick is definitely a bonus" she smirks before straddling me.

"If my personality is what's attracting you, you should go to a doctor, or maybe even a therapist" I tell her and she slaps my hand.

For the past few days I've had really tough crowds.

"Shut up and take the compliment asshole" and I do just that, leaning in for another kiss which very quickly turns heated.

She starts to move around on my lap and I'm beginning to get hard and she quickly notices and pulls back.

"I'm really sorry, I can't always control it" I tell her with a sheepish smile. She starts to laugh before pecking my lips one last time and getting off my lap.

"Don't worry, I like to know that I have this affection on you" she winks "but I can't complain it isn't the smallest I've felt"

She really will be the death of me.

"Oi, that's not nice...Should I take it as a compliment or..." I ask her only making her grin bigger.

"Maybe, maybe not, but anyways let's continue the movie" she kisses my cheek and lays down in between my legs, pulling a blanket over us.

I place my hands on her stomach and kiss the top of her head. By the end of the movie she'd fallen asleep and I don't have it in me to wake her up so I just laid back on the couch and fell asleep with my arms tightly wrapped around her.

Thank god I don't have training tomorrow.


So......that just happened

Hope you have a nice day

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