Previous mistakes 16

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So...picture this.

I'm peacefully asleep with El on top of me, who is also, peacefully asleep, no training, no plans or places to be, not a care in the world. Yesterday couldn't have gone better, beginning with beating Tottenham 3-0 and then El and I's perfect date and what came after that.

What could go wrong?

You might be asking.....What does it take to ruin my mood in a second?

Well it's one word, two if you're mad. And that word is...


Katie fucking McCabe.

The lovely person that she is, decided that it would be a good idea to call me at 7:30...IN THE FUCKING MORNING.

I sometimes question my ability to pick my friends.

And my life choices....

Anywayyyyy getting off track.

Not only that but she also made me get UP at 7:30am and OUT of the house at 7:30am.

Now I'm on my way to pick her up at some random address on the other side of town. Leaving the comfort of my bed and El behind.

So you see why I'm a little pissed?

"You better have been close to death to pull this shit so early in the fucking morning" I tell her as soon as she gets into the car, making sure she knows I'm pissed.

"Would you consider waking up next to one of your rivals being close to death" she asks. She sounds like she's still drunk.

"Depends on which rival" I say "Also...are you still drunk" I ask her, my mood changing from being mad into amused.

"Uuuuugh" she groans "Not drunk but also not sober, and I don't think you're going to like my answer, she plays for Chelsea" she says.

Now I really want to know but at the same time I don't.

You know that saying "curiosity killed the cat"

If I was a cat I'd be dead.

Like so dead there wouldn't even be one atom left of my being...nonexistent.

"Do I know them" I ask her.

"Yeah.....and you're probably going to see them next week" she replies.

"What do you mean we don't have any games next week, we have national duty" I'm so confused.....WAIT......"YOU SLEPT WITH MY TEAMMATE" she must be taking the piss out of me "Who" I ask

"F...a...K....y" the fuck?

"Speak up or I'll leave you at the side of the road" I tell her.

I'm deadly serious...

I've done it before...hehe...Oops?

"Fuck off was Fran Kirby" she said.

I burst out laughing. How could she be so stupid, I doubt she mentioned anything about her leaving.

"Was she still asleep when you left" I ask her, but the groan she let out is the only answer I need "You should've learned from your previous mistakes" the look on her face is priceless and I can't stop laughing.

She mumbled out a low "You're one to talk"

Touché Katie, touché.

The rest of the drive to my house was spent in comfortable silence, (Katie on a verge between being tipsy and hungover) we had low music playing in the background and when I finally pulled into the driveway it was 9am. Almost TWO bloody hours.

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