Cuddle and movies 41

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Does anyone really know anyone?

Think about it.

Can you ever really know everything about a person or do you just know what they want you to know?

For all I know El could be a murderer acting like a normal person. I for sure haven't told her everything about me. I haven't told anyone everything about me.

I'm smart like that.

You see, every person gets to know a part of me which nobody else does but I have to admit, El knows more than anyone else about me.

"Love can you come here for a sec" I call out.

I'm still on fucking bed rest and El takes it very seriously, she says I can't move around too much until I get the stitches out.

"El" if I want answers I have to ask a person who has more than 1 brain cell.

"El" she probably can't hear me...

"EL" still nothing...


"ELYYYYSE" is she ignoring me?

"ELY-" I get cut off when the bedroom door bursts open.

"WHAT, WHAT, WHAT" she yells, cutting me off "My goood Sara. What can you possibly want" she asks, I've already forgotten what I wanted to ask her since she's standing there in nothing but a towel while she uses another one to dry her hair.

"Come here" I open my arms for her so she can cuddle into me "Why were you ignoring me, I'm sorry if I'm being a bother" I say to her when she comes to cuddle with me.

"You're not being a bother love. Did you not hear the shower running" she asks.

She's honestly been a godsend since I came home from the hospital 4 days ago. Harry has been stuck to my side so it was surprising when he willingly went out with Leah, Katie, Beth and Viv today.

I think it'll be good for both him and Beth and Viv to get out of the house. November and December were horrible months for us at Arsenal, with Beth going down with an ACL injury and less than a month later, Viv went down with the same injury.

"Oooh...that explains why I heard the water running" I think out loud and heard her let out something like a groan mixed with a whine.

"What was it that you wanted to ask me" I take a moment to wrack my brain but nothing comes to mind.

"I can't remember" I say with a sheepish smile.

"God you're insufferable sometimes" she laughs "Have you taken your meds today" she asks.

Have I?

"Which ones" I ask fully knowing that I probably haven't taken any of them.

"All of them" she says with a raised eyebrow.

"No...I don't think so" I tell her, scratching my head.

It doesn't look like that's the answer she was hoping for.

She lets out a little sigh "Then why would you ask which ones I meant if you haven't taken any of them" she asks and goes to get them.

"OH WAIT. I remember the question now" she looks at me and gives me a nod, indicating that I can continue "Do we really know each other" I ask.

I probably could've worded that differently.

"What do you mean" she furrows her eyebrows and gives me a concerned look.

"Shit...I mean like, does anyone really know anyone. I know I don't know everything about you or Katie or Lucy. I just know the parts that I've been told, for all I know, you could be a murderer hiding behind our cute little family" I say. She lets out a sigh, handing me a glass of water and my meds before laying down next to me.

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