"She punched me" 11

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El wasn't mad. Thank god. But she also wasn't happy, mostly, she was just shocked when she saw us walking towards the car. Both of us sporting a sheepish smile on our faces.

"What....the.....hell" she said, pausing in between each word "What happened to your faces" she asks.

"Well it's a funny story" I start, looking at Katie for any type of help.

"She tackled me" not the help I had in mind.

"She punched me" I countered.

"You punched me back" our voices were starting to get louder and louder by the minute.

"CHILDREN" El put a quick end to our argument. We both looked at her sheepishly, feeling like a kid who's getting scolded. "Now...if you could both explain your reasoning behind coming back from practice looking like THAT, please do. Katie you can start" we are definitely getting scolded.

"So picture this. I'm running down the pitch getting ready to send a pass to Viv when this Hulk looking ass deci—" I interrupt her feelings attacked by her comment.

"Who are you calling a 'Hulk'" I ask her "Bitch, take a look in the mirror" I say smugly. I know this will only rile her up but she said I looked like Hulk.

She doesn't get the chance to reply because El woke up and decided to be responsible. Ugh.

"CHILDREN. Sara shut up, Katie continue" isn't she supposed be my....uh. What is our situation?

"Anyway. Before I was so rudely interrupted" Katie glared at me "she decided to tackle me, BTW not even getting the ball, so when she came back laughing, calling me a 'diver' I shut her up. Then it kind of escalated and our teammates were a little late for the party" she finished off telling her side of the story.

Wich wasn't the whole story. Just saying.

"Ok now Sara what do you have to say" El asked finally ready to hear the accurate version.

"She is right about the tackle, BUT, I got the ball and she literally threw herself to the ground, so of course I called her a diver. But you left out the part about you calling me a 'devil in disguise' BEFORE you punched me. I was just defending myself. It was self defense" I finish off telling my version. The RIGHT version.

Katie and I both look at El waiting on who she thinks is right and her answer is not the one we wanted.

"So tell me if I got this right....You got into a fight over a tackle and some banter" she questions and we nod "The only thing I'm hearing is that the two of you need anger management classes. This is the most childish reason that I've ever heard for getting into a fight" she tells us.

The rest of the way to my house is quiet. El decided that Katie is staying over tonight, because she doesn't want her to be alone while she's injured and since I'm the 'cause' of said injury, it would only be fair to let her stay with us.

I don't disagree, I like having Katie around, if El wasn't visiting she probably would be staying at mine or I'd be at hers.

When we arrive Katie and I walk into the kitchen and start going through different cabinets, looking for something to eat, literally anything, we're starving.

"Where's all your food mate" that's a good question and I have a feeling that the answer will bug me to no end.

"I don't know K, who is it that comes here whenever they're hungry" I hypothetically ask her.

"Leah..." is she really throwing Leah under the bus right now?

"Noooo, do you want to try again or should I just tell you" I ask her but don't give her a chance to reply "It's you and Beth. The two of you are like animals" I throw my hands up emphasizing my point.

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