Zombie apocalypse 25

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I'm a nice person so I put a ⚠️ so you can skip.


The last 3 days have been good considering the time of year and the fact you can't walk into a store or restaurant without having Christmas music blasted in your ears.

I'm laying in bed thinking about what I would do in a zombie apocalypse.

I mean, I'm fast, I can go days without eating or sleeping, I'm good at sneaking around and I would probably be able beat a zombie in a fight. But would I really want to survive?

Like, all my friends would probably die, there's no takeout, no TV, no football but most importantly I would actually have to make an effort to stay alive...would it really be that bad to turn into a zombie?

Anyway back to today.

El should be arriving around noon and it's only 11am so I have at least another hour before she arrives. We're going to spend the day doing nothing while sitting on the sofa, watching TV and cuddling, which is technically doing something but you get the point.

She's taking the train home tomorrow so she'll spend the night here and in the morning I'll drive her to the train station.

I hear the doorbell so I look at the time thinking she's just early but no, I've been lying here, stuck in my head thinking about what I would do in a bloody zombie apocalypse for TWO FUCKING hours.

I run downstairs to open the door and there she is, dressed in sweatpants and one of my hoodies that's way too big on her but it makes her look adorable.

"Hey love how are you" I let her inside before closing the door.

"I'm good, a bit cold but otherwise I'm good. How about you" she asks me before pecking my lips and pulling me down on the sofa.

"I'm fine, just been thinking" I say

"Is that good or bad" she asks with a nervous laugh.

"I honestly don't know, can't remember most of it but do you think I'd survive in a zombie apocalypse...would I even want to survive in a zombie apocalypse" I ask.

I still think I could survive but I probably wouldn't want to survive.

"What" she laughs before she starts to think about it "I don't know...I guess you'd probably be able to survive, if you wanted to. But at the same time, I've seen how your brain works and I think the only way you'd willingly stay alive was if you and Katie made a bet on who could survive longer" she says. She does have some very strong points.

"Yeah, I didn't think about that....but you're probably right, if I had a bet with Katie, I'd do anything to win it" I think out loud.

"I know...I'm always right" she says with a giant grin.

"No" I say and she gives me that 'really' look. I hate that she's right about always being right, like, WTF?

"I'm not saying it, your ego doesn't need any bigging up" I laugh at her and she pouts so I peck her lips, making her smile.

At some point I go to check on my phone since we've been sitting here for a while but when I go to move, I notice that El has fallen asleep and she looks adorable. She's dead asleep and gripping onto my shirt like her life depends on it.

I snap a quick picture before seeing it's almost 5pm. We've been sitting here for about 5 hours so I decided to order a pizza, half cheese and half pepperoni, peppers, ham and mushrooms. It's disgusting and I honestly don't know how she eats it.

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