Motherfucker 51

685 19 0

El reached 5 months yesterday and we haven't talked since we had that lovely little chat.

Which cost me a fortune since I had to pay for all the stuff I broke but that's my fault since I can't control my reaction sometimes.

I went to the team's therapist which I didn't like, as I don't really like talking to new people and I get this urge that I have to try and make them cry at least once....

Lucy doesn't like that part but I have been talking to Lucy about everything and sometimes even Leah. She's the reason I know that now you can feel the little bean kicking and she even sent me a video of it which was fascinating to watch.

It's like there's an alien living in El's stomach...

I haven't really been talking to anyone in the last few days except Lucy and Harry, maybe saying a few words to Leah.

Lucy says that I've been in self destructive mode which I disagree with, I think it just adds a little spice.

Today we're playing Colombia in the quarter finals and it'll be the first time I see El after the incident.

"Sara" I look at Ella "You want to come with Lessi and I to check out the pitch" she asks but I shake my head and she sends me a sad smile.

Like I said.

Not really talkative

"Here" Kei says as she comes to sit beside me in the locker room and hands me a banana.

I take it and quickly eat it before throwing the peel away and getting dressed for warmups.

I'm in the middle in our game of rondo's and easily get the ball from G before they even got 7 passes between them. I guess all of that extra training has paid off.


The girl that's spotting me is driving me crazy, I'm so done with her shit and the only reason why I haven't snapped her fucking legs is because I don't want a card in the 12th minute.

Imma wait until the 20th minute at least...

Colombia gets a goal in the 44th minute and there are 6 minutes of injury time so I quickly get rid of my bitch.

I mean the girl who's spotting me...

"HEMPO" I shout and point at the spot I want it.

She sends me a good pass and I control it with ease before sending it off to Lessi who sends a powerful kick towards the goal but the keeper saves it. The ball rolls to me, I quickly poke it into the net before running away and clapping for our fans as the girls run over to me.


In the 63rd minute Lessi sent a beautiful ball into the bottom corner after I intercepted the ball and sent a cross to G who passed it off to Lessi.

I'm playing a little game with the girl who's spotting me, which is basically just me dribbling around her and seeing how often I can meg her. I think it's an awesome game but she disagrees with me so now, when I'm running into the box the bastard decides that it's a genius idea to tackle me....

The ball is literally 3 meters away and she still thinks it's a good idea...

She gets a lovely touch on my ankle which is just the best thing I've ever felt and it honestly might top sex.

"BLOODY FUCKING HELL IN THE NAME OF A WANKER" I scream out as I hit the ground "BASTARD LOOKING MOTHERFUCKER" I punch the ground as hard as I can because this is worse than a broken rib.

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