18th of May 44

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Yesterday we beat Everton 4-1 and I managed to scored a brace which doesn't happen that often since I'd much rather get an assist, but all in all, it was a good game.

Today is the 18th of May

My birthday...

I don't particularly hate my birthday but I don't love it either. I'd rather run for 2 hours than having to celebrate it but the girls love it so I just go along with it.

"Happy birthday love" El says as she rolls over and places kisses all over my face.

"Thanks" I say and get my phone to see it's 5:30 in the fucking morning "Uuugh why are we awake" I tiredly grumble out which makes El chuckle.

"Because I have to be at the training grounds in 2 hours and I wanted to give you your early birthday present" she says as she straddles me and starts placing open mouth kisses on my neck.

"Hmm...I'd like that very much" I say as I flip her over so that I'm now on top of her and give her a passionate kiss which quickly turns heated.


"Why can't we just do this at home" I whine as I get into the ice bath.

"Because you wouldn't do it if you were at home and don't even try to argue" Kim says in a motherly manner. I know she's right but I still let out an annoyed groan.

El's pov

I'm waiting for Leah to get here so I can check on how she's doing after the surgery she just underwent and how long it'll be until she can get started on her recovery.

I just got back from the gym after giving Viv and Beth their schedule for the day, before leaving them with the other PT as I have to talk to Leah. Just then I hear a knock on my door and I tell her to come in.

"Hey hon, how are you doing" I ask her, I haven't seen her as much after she got injured since she's been staying with her mum.

"I'm okay. Trying to come to terms with this injury and having to be out for at least 9 months" she says.

I feel really bad for her as I know how much she loves this sport and how hard she's been working on improving her game.

"I won't lie to you and tell you it'll get easier since it won't. It'll be hard, but I can promise you that I'll to everything in my power to help get you back on that pitch in due time" I say with a smile and she nods with a small smile.

"Thank you El" I help her onto the bench and start by removing the bandages around her knee before I start the checkup "How have you been, are you any feeling better" she asks.

She's referring to the fact that yesterday when we were on the phone, face timing, I ran to the bathroom in the middle of the call to throw up.

"I feel fine now. I think it was just something I ate since I was fine the other day and it had stopped by the afternoon" I tell her.

"That's good then. Did Sara or Harry also get sick" she asks and come to think of it, I was the only one who got sick.

"No they were fine" I say right before I get a sudden urge to throw up.

I run to the bathroom and empty my stomach before going back.

"El..." I look at her, waiting for her to continue "Don't take this the wrong way" I raise my eyebrow as she looks at me with a strange look "When was the last time you had your period" she asks.


It can't be...

Can it?

I'm going to fucking kill Sara..

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