Balloons 30

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Today is my first day back in training after 4 months of being out. I'll still be taking it slow but the point is that I won't have to sit on my ass for hours at a time doing nothing.

Ok maybe not 'nothing' but I just hate when I can't play football.

It was getting bad, I think that if I had to stay out any longer Jonas would've actually fired me.

He just doesn't appreciate good humor. He got really mad when I put blue food dye in most of the hand soap's at the training was like the life reenactment of the Smurf's and it was hilarious, even though I now owe him about 25 extra laps it was totally worth it.

"How are you feeling about today" Leah asks when she sees Harry and I walking into the canteen.

"I'm fine really, just a little nervous but you know how it is" I tell her as I put Harry down, although it looks like he doesn't agree with that.


"Yeah it's always a little nerve wracking but the second you step back on the field, you'll be fine" she says.

"Mama" I look down at him and he puts his arms up.

"Bud you know you have to walk on your own" I tell him. It's not like I don't want to hold him, it's his doctor who's telling me that he has to walk on his own.

"How's that going" Leah laughs seeing as Harry keeps tugging at my shorts and slapping my legs me, repeatedly saying 'mama'

"It's not" I state plainly "He doesn't like it and neither do I. I honestly don't understand why we have to do this, it's not like he never walks, he's running around with a ball in training all the time" I say, staring to get a little frustrated, both with the situation and hearing 'mama' every other second.

Right as I'm about to give up and pick him up, the little monster hits me in the balls.

You might not think it's that bad but that little fucker has some arm strength.

"Fuckn' hell Harry" I say as I try to walk it off, Harry still right on my tail until Katie appears out of nowhere and picks him up.

"What's got you looking like the hunchback of Notre Dame" Katie asks laughing.

"That little fucke-" I start to say but Leah butts in after smacking the back of my head.

Might as well go back to being 10 years old with the amount of abuse today. Why the need for violence?

I mean, come on It's not even 9am!!

"Oi, don't call him that. And he's just as frustrated with the situation as you are" she says, not forgetting the death glare.

"Doesn't mean he has the right to decide on being my only child" I mumble out and stare at him, making Katie laugh before they walk away, probably going to go get themselves into some trouble.

I take Harry from Katie once they come back and we all walk to the locker room to get ready, then I take Harry over to El so I won't lose him again.


"OI KATIE" I say getting her attention and she runs over to me. I tell her my plan and we continue on with training. About half an hour before it ends I give her the go ahead.

"GIRLS...want to see me do a backflip" she asks them. This gets their attention so I can quickly go and get the balloons.

"Never mind I don't know how to do it" she says and jogs over to me "so you got it all ready" I give her a nod and we go back to finish training.

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