Where's my 50? 37

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After that little miscommunication earlier on the pitch, Keira and Leah decided to swap rooms.

I don't even want to think about what's happening over there...

But that also means no fun TV shows since Leah will be staying with us and she's like El who has an opinion about our TV show preferences.

And she's also her little spy.

Those two have a great friendship which I don't like since they're both like to rain on my parade...

We just got to our room and Harry's being really fussy. I honestly don't know why, he was fine when we were having a kick about and for most of the ride back.

"What's wrong bud, I don't know how I can help you if you don't tell me" I say and try to put him down on the bed which only makes him start sobbing.

"Come on bud let's get a new nappy and maybe a bottle, how does that sound" I try again but nothing's working.

I change his nappy and pick him back up before going to make him a bottle.

Leah walks into the room with some of her stuff and puts it on Kei's bed before coming over.

"Can you hold him for a minute while I finish his bottle please" I ask her.

"Yeah, no problem" she takes him from me and now he's hysterically crying "Hey baby what's wrong hun" she gently bounces him on her hip while I finish making the bottle.

"I don't know what's wrong, he was fine earlier and then all of a sudden he's just done a 360" I tell her and take Harry back.

I try to hand him his bottle but he refuses to hold it so I cradle him and give him the bottle.

"Check his forehead, maybe he's got a fever" she tells me and right before I can put my hand on his forehead he starts to throw up.

I quickly straighten him up so he doesn't choke on his puke and look down to see we're both covered in it.

"I think I'm gonna take a shower...and probably take him with me" I tell Leah before I take a crying Harry and a change of clothes into the bathroom.

"Harry please just sit still. I need to get this onesie off of you" I groan as he won't stop kicking my stomach. When we finally get into the shower he starts to calm down a bit so I just stand there letting the water pour down on us and enjoying the moment of peace.

I don't even bother trying to dress him in the bathroom so I get myself dressed before picking him up and laying him down on the bed.

"Couldn't you've been sick before you came here" I ask him sarcastically and Leah comes over to smack the back of my head.

"Lucy" Harry says which makes Leah look at me confused as to why he's asking for her.

But my son is more manipulative than me and I honestly don't know where that came from since I wouldn't teach him that.

He'd have too much power...

But I let it slide this time "I'm sure Leah would make an exception just this once, since you're sick and let us watch Disenchantment" we both give her our best puppy eyes and she gives in.

It's 1am and Harry woke me up crying. He puked again so I decided to just let him sleep in his nappy since it's easier to clean him up and it also calmed him down.

"Goodnight buddy, I love you so much" I say as I kiss his little head and lay down with him on my chest.


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