Sandwich 40

798 19 1


In like, 10 chapters you're going to hate me but in my defense, I'm only listening to intrusive thoughts.

Which I probably shouldn't...

But anyway...have fun with that torture❤️


Sara's pov

You know...I'm honestly not mad about this accident but I am however fucking pissed about my car.

"I really loved that car" I tell El "Did he really have to ruin it beyond repair" I ask her.

"We're not having this conversation anymore" she says as she looks up from her phone to give me a stern glare.

"But I—" she snaps her fingers and points at me.

"Stop it" she says "I'll buy you a new car if that'll shut you up" she proposes.

"Nahhh that's alright I'll just buy a new one" I say like I haven't just spent the last 30 minutes bugging her about this.

She looks at me with disbelief and shakes her head before going back to her phone.

The door to the room opens and in walks Katie with a crying Harry.

There goes the peace...

"MAMA" damn he's too loud.

"Hey buddy. Can we stop with the yelling and use our indoors voice" I ask him.

"YESS" he really is my child...

"You're alive" Katie says, her jaw drops and it looks like she's tearing up a bit.

How long will it take for her to finally figure out that I'm like a cockroach?

You honestly can't kill me.

Trust me I've tried....

"No I'm just a pigment of one of your hallucinations" I sarcastically reply.

"I can't even slap you for that comment" she laughs and walks over to me. She pulls me into an awkward hug since I can't really sit up and kisses my forehead "You almost gave me a heart attack you asshole" I chuckle at her comment but quickly wince from the pain that shoots up my ribs.

She quickly pulls back with a worried expression "It's Ok. Just a few broken ribs" I tell her like it's nothing "You get used to it after a couple of times" I say with a smirk.

I'm really enjoying myself and the fact that they can't slap me just encourages me to keep it up.

"El can I please slap her...just once and I promise I won't do it too hard" she begs which causes El to laugh.

"No you cannot slap her" El says as she lifts Harry up so he can stand on her lap to get closer to me "Unless you want Lucy to go all 'mama bear' on you" she adds.

"Mama look" Harry says and I give him my undivided attention, completely ignoring the fact that Katie is very likely to slap me in the next couple of minutes.

As predicted, Katie thinks for a moment before saying "I'll take my chances" just as she goes to smack my head the door opens.

"MCCABE" Lucy's voice sounds out through the room "If you so much as lay a finger on her I'll make sure that it's the last thing you'll ever do" she's honestly really fucking scary when she's in mama bear mode.

"I wasn—"

"Yes you were" I cut her off.

"Fuck off" she says and El smacks the back of her head.

Future me problems Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon