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"WERE GOING ON A TRIP IN OUR FAVORITE PIECE OF SHIT DOING 95 WERE GONNA FUCKING DIEEE" Katie and belt out while I'm driving. She's riding shotgun and then we have Leah and El in the back.

The season finished yesterday so that means today is the 17th of December and it also means, that today El turned 22.

Our last training before going on break was this morning and half way through training I decided to take El out for the day. If you're wondering why we brought the other 2 idiots along, well the simple answer is, Leah and Katie want to celebrate El's birthday with her.

"Why did we agree to this arrangement" El asks Leah.

"I don't know but I'm starting to regret it" she answers.

The arrangement that consists of me driving and Katie riding shotgun...

I don't know how they agreed to this but I don't care because Katie and I are having the time of our lives.

TO SEE A MARCHING BAND" Katie and I start singing along to Welcome to the black parade.

"HE SAID 'SON WHEN YO—" we always get interrupted...

"PLEASE...slow're not a formula one driver. Also where are we going first, it's only 11:30am" Leah asks

"That's one way to kill the mood" Katie says, making me laugh before answering her question.

"Relax I'm only going 55, it's like a tiny bit over the speed limit...But we're going to this new restaurant, it has a mix of different food like, breakfast, brunch, lunch, coffee and just normal dinner for example" I tell her "Then afterwards the carnival should be open and not too crowded since it's a Tuesday"

"That sounds good, I'm getting quite hungry actually" El says.

"Same" we all agree.

We were escorted to a table on the second floor and sat by the window.

The view is surprisingly good considering we're in the city.

"What are you getting" Leah asks me since we almost always order the same thing. We both have the pallet of toddlers.

"I think I'll just go with the classic breakfast but minus the mushrooms and tomatoes" I tell her and she decides to get the same except she also takes out the baked beans.

"El what are you getting" Katie asks. I think she's happy now that there's someone else who eats, 'real' food, with us.

"I'm going with chicken avocado and a salad with vinegar sauce on the side" as she says that Leah and I both scrunched up our faces.

It has always just been the 3 of us in the group. Leah and I gang up on Katie when ordering food, otherwise it would be Katie and I ganging up on Leah.

We're like siblings...Leah's the older more responsible one, Katie's the middle since she can be responsible from time to time and then there's me, the youngest who doesn't even have the word 'responsible' in their vocabulary.

Now that El has joined our group, Katie has someone on her side concerning what to order and Leah has someone on her side concerning everything else.

She brought the balance that we needed.

We got our food and were engaging in small talk while eating when the topic of Christmas came up.

"So, you guys have any plans for Christmas" Katie asks.

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