Loosely 19

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I know no one reads this but then It'll be your fault when you feel like you're trippin' when I decide to throw in a random plot twist...welcome to my world where you never know what'll happen until it does😁

(Should've probably said this earlier)

I don't feel like writing the Icelandic and then translating to English.

Also because no one understands it, not even me and I've been speaking it for years.

But if you want me to write it and then put the translation under lmk.


Walking through Keflavik airport, I keep my head down, I probably won't bump into anyone I know, but you can never be too careful.

The girls look around, amazed by what they see, I can't wait to burst their bubble...

Would that be mean?

As we're walking through customs on the way out I spot my favorite cop.

He was one of the cops who would make their way through town every once in a while.

You see, the town I grew up in was small, so small that we had to drive to the next town over if we needed to go to the hospital or police station, the only emergency service in town was a voluntary fire station.

Once there was a building on the opposite side of the road from station...I say once because it burned down before they made it. It takes longer than you'd think to get dressed, drive to the station, gear up and then move the truck into position.

Yes only one truck...

Rest in peace Bóbó...

"Jóóóón, long time no see" I call over to him sending him a smirk. His face falls and he looks about done with life.

"What the hell are you doing here Sara Dalía Gray" he always uses my full name.

My teammates are looking at me like I'm an alien, I don't know whether it's because they've never heard me speak Icelandic...or the fact I have a middle name they didn't know about.

"I'm here to show everyone that I chose to represent the better country and beat your ass, you know, shove a big 'fuck you' up this country's ass" I tell him with the biggest smirk "But don't worry I won't cause too much trouble, I have around 15-20 babysitters" I look back at the team and smile.

"Still got that big mouth of yours I see" he states.

"Care to explain Sara Dalía" Lucy asks.

"Oh yeah, guys, this is Jón my cop bestie, the one who I used to chill with while waiting for mom, he was also the one who hand cuffed me for the first time" I tell the, then I look back at Jón and say "I still think you overreacted, after all, it was my house and I didn't know it was a crime scene"

"Oh god this is going to take a while, won't it" Ella asks.

Short answer....Yes it will.

Jón tells Sarina that she and the girls can go to the bus that's parked outside while he wastes my time, in other words, full body search and drug tests.

It's like he thinks I'm stupid enough to actually try to smuggle something into the country.....again.

Lucy and Leah decide to stay with me to keep me 'company' or at least that's what they said. I think they just want to make sure I don't get myself into trouble.

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