It wasn't me 17

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"SARA" I hear a pissed off Leah screaming into my ear, sadly braking me out of my much needed sleep.

" wasn't me" I groan out.

"Excuse me...what didn't you do" she asks as she comes closer to the bed with her arms crossed.

I shoot up from behind and lightly jog into the bathroom "NOTHING" I call out just before closing the door.

Today is the day we need to get to SGP and I think, that Sarina thinks, that making us arrive at the butt crack of dawn is a special you get from a comedy show.

Too much thinking....too early.

El is staying in London a little longer so she offered to drive me, then Leah asked for a ride and Beth invited herself...what is it with people and inviting themselves into my plans?

I'm all for saving the environment but come least ask.

I'm in the shower when, BOTH, Leah and El walk in, I turn around to cover myself then after recovering from the shock of this surprise intervention I say "Well good bloody morning mates. How could I be of service today" the sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"What did you do Gray" Leah ask again, and I wonder what it is I may have done.

"I really don't have a clue....give me a few hours to wake up....and get DRESSED, then I'll probably have your answer" I tell her.

That must've satisfied them as they both left me to finish up, going back downstairs.

I packed everything yesterday...let me rephrase that, El packed everything FOR ME yesterday...that sounds about right.

So now I just have to finish showering, get dressed and then voila, all good to go.

I'm finally out of the house and sat in the back of the car where Leah looks less than impressed.

Why does she have a stick up the butt?

I'm the one who's in the backseat because El wanted to get to know Leah better and because 'the children sit in the back'....

She's probably talking about Beth.

I don't understand how Leah's not used to this, by this I mean me being late, it happens every time and she always chooses to hitch a ride with me.

We are waiting outside of Beth's house and when she comes out I finally figure out what I've done.

It's hilarious...

I'm neck deep in shit

...this is my greatest accomplishment yet.

"What. have. you. done" El and Leah say together. The only word that can describe the state they're in...shock.

I'm laughing so hard I can't breathe.

"SARA FUCKING GRAY" Beth screams as she puts her bags in the boot.

I manage to calm down into giggles "Hey got a little something riiiiight" I put my palm over her face "there"

She's red as a Tomato and is just about ready to murder me but thankfully El steps in right before Beth can hit me.

"CHILDREN not in the car, wait until we arrive" thank you "Sara why the fuck did you do this" she asks. Never mind.

You see...Katie and I were bored last night and Sara was out with friends, sooo we went over to Beth's.

Viv is already gone back to her national team and Katie left this morning, so we decided to watch a movie and hang out for a while. One thing let to another and Beth fell asleep.

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