Salt shaker 32

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Greece was beautiful and we had a blast. I forgot about the existence of sunscreen so I looked like a cooked lobster for the first few days and Harry also got a bit burnt which was how I ended up spending a whole day with a moody toddler who refused to eat anything that wasn't sugary.

Now Leah, Beth Lotte and I are pulling up to SGP for the start of camp. We had a week to get Harry used to staying with El and it worked when Katie was also there so now they live together for the next couple of weeks.

"Welcome back Sara, how're you feeling about this tournament" one of the camera men asked.

"Feeling good, creates some exciting opportunities for pranks" I answer. He laughs and Leah drags me inside.

Such a kill joy.

"Oi look who's here, what's up trouble" Lucy asks giving me a hug "How's mini Gray"

"How are you mate, we're both good, just started rewatching Rick and Morty with the little bugger" I tell her before going over to G and Kei.

"How are ya ladies, you missed me didn't ya" I ask them receiving a nod from G and an eye roll from Kei which makes me laugh.

I say hello to the rest of the girls before going over to Ella and Lessi.

"Look who's here, aren't you a bit lost now that you're all grown up with a kid and all" Ella says.

"At least I've done something with my life, what have you accomplished" I say back smirking at the offended look she gives.

"Settle down. You two have the rest of camp to bicker" Lessi says as she pulls me into a hug.

"Oi, the meeting's starting" Leah announces always there to spoil my fun.

I'm sitting beside Ella and can I just say that this meeting is worse than the black plague.

The only reason that I'm still hearing anything is because Leah pokes the back of my head every so often.

Why do people put themselves through this, like how do business people sit on their asses all day long listening to other people's opinions and try to decide which one's the best?

"Would we be done with this if I get a concussion" I ask Ella who just shrugs before nodding.

"Probably" she says.

You might be wondering, what's the best way to get a concussion?

Well for starters you have to be either really stupid or forget to use your brain.


Well...I am both of those things.

I don't know why, but before I could think one rational thought, I smacked my head on the table in front of me.

"FUCKN' HELL" I yell, rubbing my head "That actually fucking hurt" I say, making a few of the girls burst out laughing while Sarina looks dumbfounded and Leah's just shaking her head.

"Do you even know what a rational thinking means" Leah asks making me actually have to think about it which should tell her enough.

"Yes I do thank you very much" I proudly state "I used rational thinking a few days ago when I wanted to see how Harry would react to jalapeños" I say before quickly adding "Which I didn't try"

Leah slapped the back of my head and so did Lucy "Why did that thought even cross your mind, how are the two of you still alive" Keira asks.

"Elyse" Lucy, Leah, Beth, Lotte and I say at the same time.

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