I can't help myself... 1

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TJ or Tatum Jones

15 years old

Born on the 24th of December 2005

Dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes

April 2021

One thing you should know about me is that I hate school.

What 15 years old doesn't?

I'm stuck inside a classroom, wondering what I could do to get out of here without being suspended for the 7th time this year.

I have a knack for causing trouble...

But what else can you expect when I was raised by hippies who taught me that drugs is OK and rules are ment to be broken.

Ok maybe not that last part but they're too high to even realise who I am most of the time and if they do know who I am, they invite me to join them on the sofa to smoke a blunt.

They taught me how to roll the perfect blunt when I was 7 and since then I've been doing it for them. I myself, am not much of a smoker, I'd rather go out drinking with friends and go to the cow field rather than smoke with my parents.

I'm an only child and my parents were both my age when I was born so they aren't winning any 'parents of the year' contests but they're alright and we all get along.

I get to do what I want while they can sit on the sofa and watch TV all day.

"Did your mummy drop you off the balcony when you were little" I randomly ask my math teacher.

I have no idea where that came from but it solves my problem about how to get out of here.

"Ms. Jones th-" I cut him off.

"Mr. Meth" I mimic him, the class burst into laughter and my best friend slaps my knee.

"GET OUT" he yells and points at the door.

"Why you so mad, I thought men didn't have periods" I can't stop it, it just comes out.

"Go to the principals office" he says in a much calmer voice.

"Aye, aye captain" I salute him before picking up my unopened backpack and heading out.

I decide to be a good best friend, and get AJ out of class so she doesn't get too bored without me and I do the only logical thing.

Pull the fire alarm...

I wait outside the classroom until I see her, I walk over to her and throw my arm around her waist.

"Miss me" I ask her with a smirk.

"You need serious mental help" she says as she rolls her eyes and I put my hand over my heart.

"Oh...thou wound me" I dramatically say making her laugh.

"You really are something special, you know" she says as she puts her arm over my shoulder and pats my head so I gently push her into the wall before running away "YOU BASTARD" she's right about that.

I'm relatively small compared to the rest of the school and I'm a midget compared to AJ, she's 1.73m while I'm only 1.60m and that's a whole 13cm hight difference.

"STOP YOUR WHINING AND GET TO THE FUCKING FIELD" I shout back to her as I sprint towards the field.

I take out the football that I have in my bag which I keep there instead of my books and start kicking it against the crossbar of the goal that has no net.

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