Brits 2

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We end up on some football field since I couldn't be bothered to walk anymore so I'm just doing keepy uppy's while AJ and I pass the bottle between us.

"Oi...TJ...TJ" she tugs at my shorts since I forgot to change, I look at her and she points at some random people approaching the field.

"What" I ask and receive an eye roll.

"Those are some of the Arsenal players that I was talking about" she says so I look up.

"Brits" I ask her and she nods.

"But one of them is Irish" I give her a nod before looking in their direction.

"OI" I shout over getting their attention as AJ tries to stop me "ARE YOU BRITS" 3 of them nod "YOU KNOW ITS A BIT RUDE TO TRY AND INVADE US AGAIN" I shout just as AJ pulls me down making me burst into laughter "You should've seen their face" I laugh out.

"OI" I look at the one who spoke "WHAT YOU GOT THERE" she asks.

"ARE YOU GONNA TAKE IT IF I SAY VODKA OR DO YOU WANT SOME" I ask back as I dangle the bottle while start to juggle the ball and they start to walk over.

"TJ shut your bloody mouth" AJ scolds as I take a sip while juggling.

"How old are you" one of them asks.

"TJ please don't" do I listen?


"Why" I ask as I stop the ball "You a pedo" I ask with a smirk.

"Bloody hell TJ, shut your mouth" AJ says while I laugh "You've already been slapped by one adult today" she says and everyone goes quiet "Oh fuck" I look at her before pulling her up and sprinting away.

No way in hell, am I gonna answer any questions on that subject.

Yes I'm still holding the bottle.

But where's my bloody ball?

I look back and spot my ball by the feet of one of the girls.

I'm definitely not going back there to get it but if they really are football players they should be able to pass it back.

"Oi" I say "Can one of you kick the ball over" I ask them, and for once I asked nicely.

"Forgot the bloody ball we have the bottle and I'll buy you a new one" AJ says but I shake my head.

"Let's finish the bottle and get the ball" I casually say "It mine and I want it back" I say with a determined tone.

Some might say that I'm possessive and that's 100% true...

"I can't chug straight bloody vodka like your psychotic ass" she says, so I chug until there's a bit left before handing her the bottle and walk over.

It's my bloody ball...

"That's not vodka"one of them says before I take the finished bottle out of AJ's hand and hand it over.

"Yeah it is. Which one of yous is Irish" I ask and AJ gives me a pleading look "I don't like the other fuckers" I say.

AJ slaps me and one of them laughs while the others look at me in disbelief.

I might've been a tad bit rude...

But they have my ball so I think it's justified.

"Now if you're not pedo's then what's your name and gimme my ball back" AJ slaps me again "Bloody hell mate. Stop it. I don't have to like them just because you do" I tell her and she lets out a groan.

Trouble just finds me...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora