Heartbeat 13

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"Toby can I get this one" I ask and point at the skateboard I want.

"Sure, but I think it might be a little too big for you" she says as she walks over to me.

Toby and I are looking at some skateboards while Chris and Leah are in some other shop that probably sells clothes.

We decided to go to the mall for a bit after breakfast and then just walk around the city.

"Is it" I ask since I don't know anything about this.

"Yeah it's a little too big when it reaches your hip" she laughs and helps me pick out a board that's a bit smaller but still the same design.

We meet up with the girls again and go to some Italian restaurant to eat lunch. I ordered a pizza, Leah also got a pizza but a boring one and then Toby and smiley got some pasta dish.

I, of course, stole like 20% of Toby's pasta since I know it bugs her and it was also really good, I even gave her a slice of my pizza to make up for it.

I don't know what we're doing next but hopefully something that'll include something outside.


"This is why I didn't want you going on that skateboard" Leah says and shakes her head.


We went to the park after we ate and Toby was teaching me how to skateboard, I already learned how to stop, turn and not to fall. Toby turned around to get her board while I was still on mine so I was practicing a bit like she told me to, but then I saw this cute little squirrel who was holding a giant nut, I turned around to get a better look at it and crashed into a pole.

Apparently you have to concentrate while you're on the board....

"But did you see the squirrel" I ask her with a smile and she looks at me with a dumbfounded expression.

"Are you serious" I eagerly nod "So you're telling me that you don't care about almost breaking your nose because of a squirrel" she asks and again I nod.

"It was so cute and he was holding a nut" I say, she shakes her head and lets out a sigh.

"You're lucky that Christen's team is in preseason and we didn't have to go to the hospital" she says with a sigh and sits in the chair beside me "You really are going to give me a heart attack one day" she laughs.

"Christen said that the medic should be back soon and that he's just going to clean up your nose" Toby says as she walks into the room.

Toby and Leah start talking about something while I'm still thinking about the squirrel.

It was so cute and I want one, or a puppy, or a cat, or a monkey. I had a bunny once that I named scar, he had a scar across his eye and he looked really mean but he was the sweetest boy.

We did everything together, he followed me around and I didn't even need a leash for him, when we went outside he didn't want to go anywhere without me and if he did, he let me know by scratching my leg or stopping and when he did, I followed him to where he wanted to go. He slept in my bed every night and I toilet trained him so he wouldn't poop or piss everywhere.

I came home from school one day and he wasn't there, I looked everywhere for him but I couldn't find him. A week later my mum told me that he ran away after she put him outside because she didn't want him in the house and 3 years later, I found out that my dad killed him because he was on drugs and he thought he was a monster. I cried for hours when they told me.

I really miss him, he was my best bud.

"Tatum" Leah shakes my shoulder and I didn't even realise that she was talking to me.

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